Inclusive projects

We promote innovative solutions for people with support needs, from centers and services to the territory. We create spaces, workshops, and projects that help us promote the well-being and full social inclusion of those we accompany.

Through inclusive projects, we formulate and develop complementary ways of supporting people with diversity, placing their inclusion and autonomy at the center..

The foundations of our inclusive projects.

Proximity and sustainability

We act within the life context of the people we support. We create a network with entities and centers in the region, with the aim that our projects are beneficial for the territory and sustainable over time.

Specific support

All inclusive social projects arise as solutions to specific needs identified, or as opportunities for improvement towards the well-being and inclusion of people with support needs.

Social innovation

We are an active part of social innovation initiatives that aim to facilitate the lives of people with intellectual disabilities and support needs, always seeking their full inclusion.


Proximity and sustainability

We act within the life context of the people we support. We create a network with entities and centers in the region, with the aim that our projects are beneficial for the territory and sustainable over time.


Specific support

All inclusive social projects arise as solutions to specific needs identified, or as opportunities for improvement towards the well-being and inclusion of people with support needs.


Social innovation

We are an active part of social innovation initiatives that aim to facilitate the lives of people with intellectual disabilities and support needs, always seeking their full inclusion.

“Artistes” by Canal 33 and AMPANS

‘Artistes’ is a television series that aims to share experiences around art with creators with intellectual disabilities and mental health disorders. A project by the production companies Bah! Studios and YouPlanet, starring artists from AMPANS.

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UniversiMÉS Program

The UniversiMÉS program is a vital and educational initiative that was launched in 2016 by UManresa and AMPANS. Its objective is to bring the university closer to people with intellectual disabilities, offering them a space to promote critical thinking and access to content that increases and improves their chances of enjoying a fuller and richer life experiences. The launch of this program has been a contribution to the creation of a more inclusive university environment, where diversity enriches interactions among the different members of the community. 

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Project Learn Together: Personal Growth and Inclusion

Learn Together is an inclusive educational project that arose from AMPANS’ activities aimed at users who participate in the Occupational Center service. Initially, it was an activity for making recycled paper, a technique developed by the users themselves as part of the organization’s activity program.

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Pre-employment Carpentry Workshop

Recovering personal skills and working towards the socio-labor inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness through the reuse of discarded furniture and wood collected through recycling centers is one of the projects we carry out in the Pre-employment Service, where we support people who are facing a situation of mental illness.

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Multisensory Room for Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism

The multisensory room for wellbeing is a space designed with great flexibility and adaptability, with resources and materials that adapt to the situations of each user. Through these spaces, children and young people in this specialized service can interact with the environment through their senses and sensations, as a source of knowledge and experimentation of everything around us.

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Collaborate with AMPANS

Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.