Studies and academic publications

Social and scientific research is key in improving care for people with disabilities and vulnerability. We work and collaborate with academic institutions by promoting innovative studies and projects, in order to improve and update the way we do and maximize the opportunities for inclusion and autonomy of the people we assist.

Why are we part of scientific studies and academic publications

Innovation and improvement in the quality of life

Through academic research we detect the constant changes in support needs, as well as discover new advances in improving the health and quality of life, in all its areas, of people with disabilities and mental health problems .

Innovation and improvement in care

Academic research and innovation, whether specific or multidisciplinary, allow us to maintain a constant evolution in improving care for the main groups we serve: people with disabilities and mental health problems.

Specific study group

As an organization that assists people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness throughout their lives, we constitute ourselves as a group and object of study suitable for scientific research.

Involvement and social contribution

We participate in scientific and academic studies with the aim of adding value to society, as well as being an active part in improving the quality of life and assistance for people with functional diversity and mental illness.


Innovation and improvement in the quality of life

Through academic research we detect the constant changes in support needs, as well as discover new advances in improving the health and quality of life, in all its areas, of people with disabilities and mental health problems .


Innovation and improvement in care

Academic research and innovation, whether specific or multidisciplinary, allow us to maintain a constant evolution in improving care for the main groups we serve: people with disabilities and mental health problems.


Specific study group

As an organization that assists people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness throughout their lives, we constitute ourselves as a group and object of study suitable for scientific research.


Involvement and social contribution

We participate in scientific and academic studies with the aim of adding value to society, as well as being an active part in improving the quality of life and assistance for people with functional diversity and mental illness.

UAB and AMPANS: a territorial model endorsed by occupational centers

“Intellectual disability, exercise and aging: the IDEA study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial”, an international study by the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences of Blanquerna (Universitat Ramon Llull) that evaluates the ‘impact of physical activity on the aging of middle-aged and elderly people with intellectual disabilities.

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Blanquerna and AMPANS: intellectual disability, exercise and aging

“Intellectual disability, exercise and aging: the IDEA study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial”, un estudi internacional de la Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l’Educació i de l’Esport de Blanquerna (Universitat Ramon Llull) que evalúa l’impacte de l’activitat física en l’envelliment de les persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual de mitjana i tercera edat.

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Collaborate with AMPANS

Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.