La Parada, a transforming social and community landscape

La Parada is a social and community facility, designed as a natural and autochthonous landscape, as a source of well-being and respect for the environment, which will provide a home and residential, training and employment services for people with special difficulties.

Innovative, multi-purpose and eco-efficient residential, training and work facility

· A public-private project promoted by the AMPANS foundation with the participation of Manresa City Council (transfer of the site) and the collaboration of RCR Arquitectes.

· The project responds to the needs of people, is inclusive, open to the neighbourhood and for the city: a multipurpose, innovative and eco-efficient space.

· It is the first facility for people in situations of disAbility and vulnerability to be designed by the prestigious Olot-based firm RCR Arquitectes.

· The facility, which will provide housing, training and employment, has a budget of €8,500,000, to which the architects, captivated by the social dimension of the project, have adapted.

· It will create 100 new jobs.


La Parada is a social landscape, not a building.

Who are the beneficiaries?

La Parada is a social project that aims to address the support needs of people in situations of dependence (intellectual disability, ageing, vulnerability) and young people.

It is a city project and as such, it will serve the users, but it will also benefit the neighbourhood, which will have access to community spaces and services of the facility, and it will be a lung for the neighbourhood and for the city. It will be a social, ecological and sustainable architectural asset, a reference for the city.

The building has the following services:

» 12 residential places
» 36 residential home places
» 12 places in intergenerational coliving
» 60 day-care places
» 20 sheltered work places
» Job placement service ” Social-health and hospitality training
» Social-health care and hospitality training
» Catering



Sustainable and intelligent, facilitating support and services for people living in the community.

It is oriented towards the needs of the residents, respecting their privacy, but at the same time it explicitly seeks communication with the community, creating spaces open to citizens.


We understand the community as an environment of interaction of people, we want to recover the social space, where people are protagonists and can put in value their capacities and their solidarity.

The community as a network has a multiplying effect in supporting people and contributes especially to the prevention of social isolation.


La Parada is a landscape, the expansion of public space, the continuation of the green area of Camí Vell de Santpedor. It is a new park for the neighbourhood, with 2,000m of garden and a hundred trees.

A unique and singular space to live in relationship with nature, a place of wellbeing and health. La Parada seeks sustainability, being the vegetation an asset to achieve this goal, a response for the space.


La Parada is a space where, through face-to-face and digital services, people living in the building will have a case manager who will provide personalised follow-up.



Sustainable and intelligent, facilitating support and services for people living in the community.

It is oriented towards the needs of the residents, respecting their privacy, but at the same time it explicitly seeks communication with the community, creating spaces open to citizens.



We understand the community as an environment of interaction of people, we want to recover the social space, where people are protagonists and can put in value their capacities and their solidarity.

The community as a network has a multiplying effect in supporting people and contributes especially to the prevention of social isolation.



La Parada is a landscape, the expansion of public space, the continuation of the green area of Camí Vell de Santpedor. It is a new park for the neighbourhood, with 2,000m of garden and a hundred trees.

A unique and singular space to live in relationship with nature, a place of wellbeing and health. La Parada seeks sustainability, being the vegetation an asset to achieve this goal, a response for the space.



La Parada is a space where, through face-to-face and digital services, people living in the building will have a case manager who will provide personalised follow-up.

A commitment to social architecture

“The proposal wants to belong to this site, it wants to be part of its urban environment and adapt to the needs of the neighbourhood, absorbing the flows and creating a landscape link.

The overall gesture of the proposal with its volumetric composition accentuates the value of the park and creates continuity at pedestrian level between the different levels of outdoor spaces, where the spaces are designed on the basis of an adaptable and flexible system that offers the possibility of change over time.

A place is created in which kindness and humane treatment, respect, plurality and visibility converge. An open place that brings together the different relationship spaces, which is the sum of exterior and interior spaces that seek to create a space with its own singular entity, pleasant and comfortable.”

RCR architects

100 trees will be the facade of La Parada

Instead of laying “the first stone”, we will plant a tree that will take root, a tree that is a hundred years old, symbolising life, consolidation, and the values of social and bioclimatic architecture, which are at the heart of the project.

This will be the first of a wider tree planting that will take place in the neighbourhood, trees and aromatic plants, with the participation of the pupils of the schools in the area.




"If they had told me to make a building I wouldn't have done it, but they explained the project to me and I was captivated. It's not a building, it's a landscape, and a landscape is for everyone. "

Rafael Aranda, RCR architects

"We have reached a moment of maturity to experiment and improve the quality of life. It must be possible for people with Intellectual Disability and in vulnerable situations to live and enjoy places of architectural quality".

Toni Espinal, AMPANS General Manager

"Planting trees in urban areas can even help us save lives. Scientific reports corroborate the fact that our fate is linked to the fate of trees".

Jordi Cuyàs, AMPANS Head of Gardening

"It is a project that feeds on experience and looks to the future. We understand relationships as a fundamental pillar for people's wellbeing. A space without stigmas that favours intergenerational relationships".

Janeta Camps, AMPANS Residential Services Director

"As a city we should be in this project because La Parada has been conceived as a city facility, a social and cultural heritage that everyone should enjoy. Let's get closer for the sake of inclusion."

Marc Aloy, Mayor of Manresa

"The residents of the neighbourhood will see this landscape every day. We will enjoy it. It will provide services, also for the people of the neighbourhood. We will feel it because it will be part of our lives and our wellbeing".

Neighbours of La Parada

Collaborate with AMPANS

Social support has been fundamental to the advancement of AMPANS' mission, both in supporting projects that improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and support needs, and in raising awareness in society. The road to full inclusion continues and we need you by our side.