EI Insertion Company - AMPANS Empresa de Inserción Sociolaboral S.L.U.

Through training and guidance programmes, we promote the improvement of employment and labour integration of people with disabilities and in vulnerable situations, with the aim of achieving their integration into the ordinary labour market. This initiative responds to the need to create itineraries where these people can make a transition towards ordinary companies or entrepreneurship.

Continuous work actions are offered with the support of specialised staff:

  • Labour insertion professional Professional to accompany to labour insertion to guide and develop personalised itineraries, according to the skills and interests of people, taking into account the reality of the labour market. Y para capacitar a las personas en competencias básicas y transversales.

  • Professional for production accompainment.

Continuous work as a form of social insertion and integration

The aim of the continuous work actions is to offer the worker a range of professional opportunities appropriate to the training received. Similarly, they aim to ensure adequate professional activity once the contract has begun, providing the means to facilitate the acquisition of social and work habits and the training of the worker in the process of integration.

AMPANS Empresa d’Insercio Sociolaboral, SLU is a commercial entity, constituted on 29/07/2008, which is part of the “Ampans Group”. Its registered office is C/ Sant Rafel, nº 4 in Manresa, and its tax identification number is B-64932213. It started its activity in 2014.

Depending on the detection of the needs of the people hired, work is carried out in coordination with the staff of the Insertion Service. The aim of the work of these people in the insertion companies is to achieve their integration into the ordinary labour market, for which workers are provided with access to training and guidance.

In order to comply with the “Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance” and the “Law 19/2014, of 29 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance”, we facilitate the Transparencia en la actividad subvencional and the Transparencia en la contratación con la Administración.

Contact with AMPANS

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    Collaborate with AMPANS

    Social support has been fundamental for the advancement of AMPANS' mission, both in the achievement of projects that improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and support needs, and in raising awareness in society. The road continues and we need you by our side. Can you help us?