Organizational information

With the aim of being of interest and utility, we make available to you the organizational information of the AMPANS Foundation. Below you will find the structure of the organization as a group of companies, as well as the main external regulations to which the foundation is subject in its different forms and areas of activity. You will also find relevant documents such as the bylaws, code of ethics, policy book, process map, and corporate governance report.

Organization structure

FUNDACIÓ AMPANS belongs to a group of companies in accordance with article 42 of the Commercial Code, being the direct and controlling entity of the group. The companies in the group are detailed below.

AMPANS Medi Ambient  >

AMPANS Obres i Serveis  >

AMPANS Empresa d’Inserció  >

Economic Summary Investee Entities

Below is detailed the main regulations to which Fundació AMPANS is subject.

Related to our legal form as a foundation

Law 4/2008, of April 24, on the Third Book of the Civil Code of Catalonia.

Agreement of February 20, 2019, of the Council of the National Securities Market Commission, approving the Code of Conduct relating to the Investments of non-profit entities.

Law 49/2002, of December 23, on the fiscal regime of non-profit entities and tax incentives for patronage.

Related to our mission

Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013, of November 29, approving the consolidated text of the General Law on the rights of persons with disabilities and their social inclusion.

As a provider of Social Services Portfolio

Law 12/2007 of October 11, on Social Services.

Decree 142/2010, of October 11, approving the Social Services Portfolio 2010-2011.

Decree 284/1996, of July 23, regulating the Catalan social services system.

Decree 176/2000, of May 15, amending Decree 284/1996.

As a special work center

Royal Decree 469/2006, of April 21, regulating support units for professional activity in the framework of personal and social adjustment services for special work centers.

Royal Decree 290/2004, of February 20, regulating labor enclaves as a measure to promote the employment of persons with disabilities.

Royal Decree 2273/1985, of December 4, approving the regulations on special work centers defined in Article 42 of Law 13/1982, of April 7, on social integration of the disabled.

As a private-concerted educational center

Organic Law 8/1985, of July 3, regulating the right to education (LODE).

Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education (LOE).

Law 12/2009, of July 10, on Education (LEC).

Decree 150/2017, of October 17, on educational attention to students within an inclusive educational system.

Decree 175/2022, of September 27, on the organization of basic education


Code of ethics

Policy book

Process map

Corporate Governance Report

2023     2022     2021     2020    

Organization structure

FUNDACIÓ AMPANS belongs to a group of companies in accordance with article 42 of the Commercial Code, being the direct and controlling entity of the group. The companies in the group are detailed below.

AMPANS Medi Ambient  >

AMPANS Obres i Serveis  >

AMPANS Empresa d’Inserció  >

Economic Summary Investee Entities

Below is detailed the main regulations to which Fundació AMPANS is subject.

Related to our legal form as a foundation

Law 4/2008, of April 24, on the Third Book of the Civil Code of Catalonia.

Agreement of February 20, 2019, of the Council of the National Securities Market Commission, approving the Code of Conduct relating to the Investments of non-profit entities.

Law 49/2002, of December 23, on the fiscal regime of non-profit entities and tax incentives for patronage.

Related to our mission

Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013, of November 29, approving the consolidated text of the General Law on the rights of persons with disabilities and their social inclusion.

As a provider of Social Services Portfolio

Law 12/2007 of October 11, on Social Services.

Decree 142/2010, of October 11, approving the Social Services Portfolio 2010-2011.

Decree 284/1996, of July 23, regulating the Catalan social services system.

Decree 176/2000, of May 15, amending Decree 284/1996.

As a special work center

Royal Decree 469/2006, of April 21, regulating support units for professional activity in the framework of personal and social adjustment services for special work centers.

Royal Decree 290/2004, of February 20, regulating labor enclaves as a measure to promote the employment of persons with disabilities.

Royal Decree 2273/1985, of December 4, approving the regulations on special work centers defined in Article 42 of Law 13/1982, of April 7, on social integration of the disabled.

As a private-concerted educational center

Organic Law 8/1985, of July 3, regulating the right to education (LODE).

Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education (LOE).

Law 12/2009, of July 10, on Education (LEC).

Decree 150/2017, of October 17, on educational attention to students within an inclusive educational system.

Decree 175/2022, of September 27, on the organization of basic education


Code of ethics

Policy book

Process map

Corporate Governance Report

2023     2022     2021     2020