Scientific research and knowledge

Knowledge and research are key to improving the quality of life, which is why we promote local, national and European programs and projects that benefit people with intellectual disabilities and those in need of support. Our expertise in assisting people and managing an organization like ours have allowed us to acquire knowledge that we want to share with professionals and organizations in the sector in order to achieve effective projects and policies for the full inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities, risk of exclusion and other special needs.

Formació i recursos

Resources for professionals

We promote courses and training days for professionals in the direct care, health and education sectors, to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities, mental illness or behavioral disorders.

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Pedagogical resources

We develop and offer pedagogical resources for ordinary education centers and special education centers. A way to learn together and educate about inclusion, while making visible and normalizing functional diversity.

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Studies and publications

Social and scientific research is key in improving care for people with disabilities and in vulnerable situations. We work and collaborate with academic institutions promoting innovative studies and projects.

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Formació i recursos

    Resources for professionals

    We promote courses and training days for professionals in the direct care, health and education sectors, to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities, mental illness or behavioral disorders.

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    Pedagogical resources

    We develop and offer pedagogical resources for ordinary education centers and special education centers. A way to learn together and educate about inclusion, while making visible and normalizing functional diversity.

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    Studies and publications

    Social and scientific research is key in improving care for people with disabilities and in vulnerable situations. We work and collaborate with academic institutions promoting innovative studies and projects.

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European projects

We participate in the promotion of several European programs to improve opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities and special support needs. We are a managing member of ARFIE.

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Collaborative projects

We develop educational, social and technological projects with the help of pioneering organizations and companies in the local area. We network to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and at risk of exclusion.

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    European projects

    We participate in the promotion of several European programs to improve opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities and special support needs. We are a managing member of ARFIE.

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    Collaborative projects

    We develop educational, social and technological projects with the help of pioneering organizations and companies in the local area. We network to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and at risk of exclusion.

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Investigation and Innovation Awards

Biennial call for the Research and Innovation Award on Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disorders, which recognizes the work of people, teams and entities that promotes knowledge and the improvement of the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and developmental disorders.

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Insert Award

Annual call for the Insert Award for the audiovisual creation of people with intellectual disabilities, within the framework of the Clam Festival, the International Social Cinema Festival of Catalonia.

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AMPANS and Company Award

Recognition to the commitment and CSR of the collaborating companies, as indispensable agents in the employment insertion of people with support needs and, at the same time, essential for sustaining the entity's labor services and entrepreneurship projects.

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    Investigation and Innovation Awards

    Biennial call for the Research and Innovation Award on Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disorders, which recognizes the work of people, teams and entities that promotes knowledge and the improvement of the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and developmental disorders.

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    Insert Award

    Annual call for the Insert Award for the audiovisual creation of people with intellectual disabilities, within the framework of the Clam Festival, the International Social Cinema Festival of Catalonia.

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    AMPANS and Company Award

    Recognition to the commitment and CSR of the collaborating companies, as indispensable agents in the employment insertion of people with support needs and, at the same time, essential for sustaining the entity's labor services and entrepreneurship projects.

    See more

Contact AMPANS

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    Collaborate with AMPANS

    Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising society awareness. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.