Are you young or do you work with young people?

Ocell de Foc programme is for you!

We have started a comprehensive care programme for young people between 16 and 30 years old, as well as for those entities and educational centres that work with them. We work to achieve an overall improvement in the quality of life, working on emotional wellbeing, the construction of an independent life and promoting employment or the return to the education system.

A space for expression, listening and support for young people who are going through a complicated emotional moment and need guidance and support to achieve their goals and projects.

<h2 style="color:#FFFFFF";><strong class="strong-title"> Two years and more than 2,000 people </strong> </h2>

Aimed at a total of 2,000 young people from Bages, Solsonès and Moianès, the Ocell de Foc programme will run from December 2022 to December 2024. It is managed by a group of entities formed by Manresa City Council, Althaia Xarxa Assistencial Universitària de Manresa Private Foundation, CAE Training and Sociocultural Services and Germà Tomàs Canet Foundation, a team that we lead and coordinate from AMPANS.



We want to be a support for young people, between 16 and 30 years old, to improve their emotional wellbeing and prevent mental health problems. As well as a resource for organisations and educational centres that work with them.

Collective empowerment

Create services and spaces to favour and generate dynamics for the constitution of groups of young people, through collective empowerment initiatives, either their own or common.

Labour or academic insertion

To provide tools and resources to achieve labour market insertion, return to the education system or a change of direction in the training itinerary.



We want to be a support for young people, between 16 and 30 years old, to improve their emotional wellbeing and prevent mental health problems. As well as a resource for organisations and educational centres that work with them.


Collective empowerment

Create services and spaces to favour and generate dynamics for the constitution of groups of young people, through collective empowerment initiatives, either their own or common.


Labour or academic insertion

To provide tools and resources to achieve labour market insertion, return to the education system or a change of direction in the training itinerary.

Through Ocell de Foc we offer a wide range of services aimed at accompanying young people, ensuring their mental health during the process of insertion or reintegration into the labour and/or academic circuit. We do this through information services, prevention and the fight against mental health stigma and educational abandonment.

How do we do it?

Meetings with entities in the areas of action

Organisation of conferences on mental health

Open days

Actions for stigma prevention

Visibilisation of experiences

For further information

please contact:

Ocell de Foc Coordination

Bages, Moianès, Solsonès

Phone number and WhatsApp: 636 671 431

Contact AMPANS

To send us your queries, requests or comments, fill out this form. We will contact you very soon.

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    Collaborate with AMPANS

    Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.