Caprabo AMPANS Supermarket

The supermarket of good people We are pioneers in Catalonia in opening supermarkets, franchised with Caprabo, as a job opportunity for people with disabilities and those in vulnerable situations. We manage two supermarkets through which we showcase the abilities of individuals and their value to society. Managed by a team consisting mainly of people with functional diversity, they are established as a pioneering model of social integration and a reference for the professional and personal development of people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness.

The supermarkets are consolidated as a pioneering model of social integration and a reference for the professional and personal development of people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness

The inclusive and solidarity supermarket is a pioneering model of social and labor integration.

New opportunities for labor inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.

New opportunities for labor inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. In 2018, we achieved a new challenge of opening in Manresa the first supermarket in Catalonia with a fully-staffed team of people with disabilities, a Caprabo franchise. This is a social innovation project that opens up new opportunities for labor inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. These solidarity supermarkets are a commitment to the social and solidarity economy. We are very proud of their management.

Our inclisive supermarkets


In Manresa on C/ Pompeu Fabra

From Monday to Sunday

We are open from Monday to Saturday, and also on Sunday mornings, to provide better service to our customers.

Special Employment Center

Our Caprabo supermarket is a Special Employment Centers (CET). Twenty-five people with intellectual disabilities have a job adapted to their needs and carry out valuable work.

Spacious and well-maintained premises

Large and comfortable commercial space of 500m2.

More than 4,000 products

A wide variety of food products, fresh and local. You can find also AMPANS products there!

"When you have a disability, it seems like the world corners you and tells you that you can't work. Here, I have felt valued again."

Roser Romero
Manager at Caprabo AMPANS

The supermarket of the good people

A project born with the aim of creating opportunities for people with disabilities. A way to show that we are capable of doing everything we set out to do.

Contact Supermarket Caprabo AMPANS

To send us your queries, requests or comments, fill out this form. We will contact you very soon.

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    Collaborate with AMPANS

    Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.