Excellence, a common goal throughout the organization

Excellence is a continuous process, it is activist, it is systemic, and it generates a constant flow of results.

We have committed ourselves to providing the best possible care for the people and families we support, and as a non-profit social organization, we have an obligation to become an ethically efficient entity that adds value to society. Active listening, identification and anticipation of needs and expectations, the information and attention we provide, participation, honesty, and the quality and safety of the services and products we manage and develop are the tools we have to achieve our goals in the best possible way.

To achieve our purpose, we seek balanced results among all our stakeholders: the people we serve, families, employees, clients, and suppliers, and society in general.

Creating value for people. Adding value to society

Alliances and cooperation

We promote alliances and cooperative relationships with public and private organisations and institutions based on trust, to share knowledge and drive social transformation projects that benefit people with disabilities and those in vulnerable situations.

Excellence and continuous improvement

We manage our centers and services with criteria of excellence, applying continuous improvement in all our processes. We manage and share knowledge within a general culture of learning, innovation, and continuous improvement, analyzing relevant indicators and redesigning our services to ensure the satisfaction of our stakeholders' expectations.

Efficiency and effectiveness of services

We seek an efficient and effective management of all our centers and services based on business excellence models, with the aim of ensuring the results and sustainability of the projects we promote, and facilitating the progress of the entity's social and labor projects.

Human development

We know for a fact that the quality of services is achieved by people, which is why we promote human potential and involvement through the dissemination of our values, which must be shared by the entire organization, a culture of trust, and the assumption of responsibilities. We watch over their professional development and take care of their safety and health.

Collaborate with AMPANS

Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.