A study on pain in people with non-speaking cerebral palsy wins the first prize at the 10th Research Award


Quim Moya, artist and populariser, will be the speaker at the prize-giving ceremony

The prize, worth 5,000 euros, will be awarded on Tuesday at a ceremony in the Plana de l’Om Auditorium, with a talk by the publicist and artist Quim Moya

The Jury of the Research and Innovation Award on Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disorders has announced the winners in its 10th edition.

The First Prize in the Research category went to a study on pain in people with cerebral palsy who cannot communicate and the implications for their quality of life. The work deals with the analysis of several biomarkers with an exhaustive deployment of resources and diagnostic tests.

The results of this research pave the way for the development of pain measurement tools based on facial recognition through the application of artificial intelligence techniques that reduce subjectivity in the assessments.

This work, awarded 5,000 euros, was carried out by a team of professionals formed by Álvaro Sabater, Inmaculada Riquelme and Pedro Montoya, as part of the Doctorate in Neurosciences at the University of the Balearic Islands.

In the same Research category, two other works have been awarded in second and third place: a study that makes a very rigorous analysis of the risk factors in the falls suffered by people with intellectual disabilities and a research on the protective factors and monitoring of premature babies with very low birth weight that relates neuropsychological development and nutritional status.

A total of 6 prizes are awarded in both categories, 3 for research and 3 for innovation.

In the research category, the scientific rigour of the work and the contribution of knowledge and its usefulness are valued; in the innovation category, the degree of innovation of the project, its impact on improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and its capacity for replication in other contexts of support for people with special needs are valued. The first prizes in each category are worth €5,000 each, the second prizes €3,000 and the third prizes €1,000.

This year, the jury decided not to award the first prize in the Innovation category after a thorough review of the entries. Despite recognising the quality and innovation of the projects presented, none of them managed to stand out clearly and forcefully from the rest in terms of novelty and impact in their field of application. The decision to leave the first prize vacant aims to maintain a high standard of recognition for innovation and to ensure that the top prize reflects true excellence and contribution to the field of innovation.

The second and third prizes were awarded to a proposal for an intervention with virtual reality to reduce social anxiety in people with ASD, and to the design of an App, Compartim, as a support to facilitate the transition to adult life for people with intellectual disabilities, focusing on their self-determination skills.

The Research and Innovation Award on Intellectual Disability, which is supported by Esteve, ICL Iberia and Control Group, is a recognition of the work of individuals and teams who dedicate their work to research to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and developmental disorders.

Award Ceremony

The 10th AMPANS Research and Innovation Award will be presented at the Plana de l’Om Auditorium in Manresa, next Tuesday 16th March at 6pm, in an event that will include a talk and action by the artist and disseminator Quim Moya and the intervention of the L’Art de Viure artists’ collective, who will show art as a tool for empowerment and awareness-raising.

Coinciding with the awards ceremony, the Plana del Olmo Auditorium hall will host an exhibition of works produced in L’Art de Viure, the art project promoted by the AMPANS foundation, which has become a benchmark in the genre known as Art Singular.