We have participated in the recovery of trunks that burned in the fire of Les Brucardes to bring out the Tió de Nadal inside them

This November a dozen tions have come down from the forests of Sant Genís and Tolega de Les Brucardes to fill every corner of Sant Fruitós de Bages with the magic of Christmas.

With the desire to enjoy a deeply rooted Christmas element in our house, these last few days we have been restoring these trunks, in a joint work promoted by the town council and that has united the users of the occupational centre La Sagrera, the group listens Frifènics, the ampas of the schools, the Collective of Historical Research and the traders of the municipality.

Over the next few weeks the Town Council will make a place for them in the squares and streets of the town centre and all the neighbourhoods and housing estates, so that all the residents can start to enjoy the “Viu el Nadal a Sant Fruitós” experience and at the same time remind the kids and adults of the fire that the municipality experienced so that we can all work together to prevent it.

The traditional tió in the Plaça de la Vila this year will be accompanied by twelve more tions so that children can feed them before Christmas Eve.