We have supported 91 people in a situation of vulnerability, with guidance for job placement, with the support of the SOC


Visit to AUSA, one of the collaborating companies of the AMPANS Orienta programme.

Through the Guidance, Training and Employment Service, and together with the Catalan Employment Service (SOC), we have promoted the Orienta programme, aimed at groups in situations of unemployment or precarious employment, including women, young people, the long-term unemployed, immigrants and people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion, who have been helped to improve their employability. Through the programme, which receives funds from the State Public Employment Service (SEPE), various actions of guidance, inclusion and labour market insertion have been carried out.

With a duration of 12 months, we have accompanied a total of 91 people who have followed personalised employment guidance itineraries. 53% of participants have improved their employability by means of referral to and completion of occupational training and tailor-made training, and 14% have entered the labour market. Likewise, 24% have received personalised advice on training itineraries, homologation of qualifications and information on the accreditation of competences.

Within the framework of the programme, both guidance actions related to employment, knowledge of the productive environment and labour market prospecting have been carried out, as well as working on tools and resources for the personal and professional development of the participants. Among the most outstanding training courses are the Certificates of Professionalism in the sectors of Warehouse and Logistics, Social and Health Care, Gardening and Administration, which are aimed at both general groups and groups with functional diversity. In addition, participants have also taken part in other tailor-made training courses organised by the AMPANS training service, such as Customer Service or Digital Skills courses.

Apart from individual tutorials and group sessions, talks and information outings have also been held to offer a wide range of knowledge and resources to the participants of the programme. Thus, as Asun Gutiérrez, promoter of the Orienta programme states, “this has allowed them to develop their personal and professional itinerary with a more dynamic and experiential methodology”. Some of the most outstanding actions have been the training “How to build a personal brand” given by Carlos Bella, an expert in personal and professional development, or the trip to the Bages Employment Fair, with participation in the Elevator Pitch and efficient CV workshops.

The Orienta programme aims to cover the immediate and future training and occupational needs of vulnerable groups. It focuses on the different aspects of the person, working directly with them, to provide them with the necessary support to position them on an equal footing and facilitate their incorporation into the labour market, education or training. Through all these actions, people can finally optimise their professional skills and enable their active participation in their environment, favouring their self-esteem, confidence, skills and emotional stability for a full social and labour integration.