70% of young people who have completed the Singulars Programme have found a job or have returned to their studies

Image of the course of the Certificate of Professionalism in Hospitality

The collaboration between AMPANS, Joviat, CFP Lacetània and Manresa City Council is the key to the success of this programme in Bages

The Singulars Programme “Bages Jove Inserlab 4.0” promoted by AMPANS together with the City Council of Manresa, Joviat Foundation and the Practical Training Centre of the Lacetània Foundation, has taken stock of its fifth edition with very positive results, since 70% of the participants have found a job or have returned to their studies. It is a programme designed to offer guidance and a training itinerary to people between 16 and 29 years old registered in the Employment Service of Catalonia.

The alliance between the 4 entities has guaranteed the success of this specific programme for a profile of young people who are unemployed or outside the education system, with basic competences and with interest and skills for the digital world.

A total of 30 young people have taken part in the 2022-2023 programme and have obtained a Certificate of Professionalism at the end of the training. Of the 30 students, 19 have completed internships in companies in the region, 16 have obtained a work contract, which in most cases was their first job, and 5 have re-enrolled in an educational centre to complete their studies.

The combined efforts of Manresa City Council, Joviat, the CFP Lacetània and the AMPANS Foundation have made it possible to offer personalised guidance to young people, with training ranging from traditional sectors such as hotel and catering to Industry 4.0, to improve the employability of young people and train new professionals with sufficient skills to fill future job vacancies. All parties have been very satisfied with the collaboration and coordination of this programme and have already opened registrations for a new edition during the month of February.

Methodology based on practice and personal experience

Using a practical and experiential methodology, the young people have completed two vocational training courses: on the one hand, a group of 15 young people have completed a Certificate of Professionalism in Auxiliary Mechanical Manufacturing Operations and a second group has completed a certificate of professionalism in the field of hotel and catering. Finally, the young people have also taken a joint training course in the Fundamentals of Robotics in order to provide innovative training for both sectors. All the participants have followed a personalised and dynamic guidance itinerary to work on social skills and stimulate the talent and abilities of each young person.

As an added value, the young people have taken two transversal training courses in skills and personal talent, and in emotional education, to help them enhance their competences and contribute to their personal rediscovery.

Apart from the different training courses and the job orientation itinerary, the young people in the programme have taken part in around twenty social activities, thus strengthening their personal values and their participation in the community. They have also seen a dozen companies in Bages to get to know how the world of business really works and to learn first-hand the most valued skills when it comes to finding a job. Through the programme, the students also participated in the last edition of the Student Fair and the Manresa Employment Fair.

These actions have improved the employability of these young people through the promotion of their personal and professional skills, as well as the acquisition of new technical-professional knowledge that has allowed them to define their professional objective, their socio-occupational insertion or their return to the world of education or training.