Projecta’t Programme: the Guidance, Training and Insertion Services of the entity, will help to reorientate the professional future of active people

The Guidance, Training and Insertion Service of the AMPANS Foundation has launched the “Projecta’t” programme, which promotes guidance and prospecting actions aimed at active workers, to support them in their adaptability to changes in the productive sectors and in their own jobs, either to promote themselves within the company or to change sector or job.

Over the years, AMPANS, committed to accompanying people in their search for employment, through the Guidance, Training and Employment Service, offers courses and training programmes  to improve people’s skills in order to develop knowledge, aptitudes and attitudes that enable them to respond to current employment needs, with the support of a team of experts, employment counsellors, trainers, psychologists and employment insertion technicians, among others.

This new programme has been designed by the Consorcio para la Formación Continua de Cataluña, which understands guidance as the basic instrument for the acquisition of tools and resources for decision making related to the career path and the professional objective. Guidance must be carried out throughout people’s lives, taking into account their abilities, preferences and motivations and their vital moment to deploy their skills and talent.

The prospecting actions have two purposes: on the one hand, to promote the services included in the vocational training and qualification system in the productive world; on the other hand, to detect the needs, demands and challenges of the different sectors and thus nourish the guidance actions. The AMPANS team of professionals that make up the Guidance, Training and Employment Service will guide people in the health care and socio-cultural and community services sectors.

The target group of the guidance actions are workers who have a current job but require guidance for the continuity of their career or professional projection. This potentially includes all those who work in the care sector and want to improve their professional projection by improving their skills, but also those who work in another sector and want to enter this sector.

The programme is aimed at employed workers, permanent workers who are discontinuous during periods of non-employment and workers in a situation of temporary lay-off (ERTO). The programme, which requires people to work in Catalonia, is a service 100% subsidised by the Consorcio para la Formación Continua de Cataluña, at no cost to the beneficiaries.

We make available to interested parties this contact for enquiries and applications or by mobile phone 608 022 042.