More than 500 professionals took part in Les Jornades, the annual week dedicated to health and wellbeing.


This week we have celebrated the Les Jornades that we share all the centres and services of the entity and that, for the first time, have been framed within the plan “Som comunitat. Salut i benestar” plan that has been launched in the entity. Five hundred and fifty professionals have participated in a week that has been specifically dedicated to take care of the health and welfare of the people we work with and to establish tools and resources that will be deployed throughout the year.

The plan is a proposal for all the Foundation’s staff that encompasses 6 areas of action: physical, emotional, environmental, social, nutritional and financial, which aims to add value to the professionals, beyond the resources necessary to promote policies that accompany the development of our professional work.

The highlight of Les Jornades, framed within the plan, came on Wednesday with two sessions, morning and afternoon, with the expert in Emotional Intelligence and coach, Andreu Gatuelas, who is already a regular collaborator of AMPANS, considered one of the best in this field. Two sessions lasting an hour and a half, face-to-face and in streaming that reached several AMPANS services. “All emotions are necessary, the key is to know how to manage them and find the right one. Emotional intelligence is not only empathy, it is also understanding, perceiving, foreseeing how your words, actions and reactions will affect others”, Gatuellas made clear.

Environmental health has also been the subject of the activities organised this week at Les Jornades and with Arrels Voladores we have learnt resources to move, on a personal level, towards zero waste and be more aware of the devastating effects of plastic on our planet and our health. Just one fact: only 9% of the world’s plastic is recycled. With nutritionist Mireia Anglada, we talked about a transformation of consciousness from the science of food through the #Serenity programme that will be developed in the coming months.

Last Friday was the kick-off of Les Jornades, with a paddle activity with representation from all AMPANS services and several yoga sessions.

The week of Les Jornades closes tonight with the traditional summer dinner at the Comabella beach bar, with the meeting between colleagues from all the centres and services, while the plan Som Comunitat. Salut i benestar, will continue to develop activities throughout the year.