La Pinya awarded at the Barcelona International Film and Disability Festival


Members of the Pinya collecting the award at the CaixaForum.

“L’entrevista”, a short fiction film that shows the stigma that still  heavily weighs on people with mental health disorders in job interviews, wins the Inclús Award in the category “Posa’t a la nostra pell” (put yourself in our shoes).

The production company La Pinya, formed by a group of eight users of the AMPANS occupational centre service, have won the first prize awarded in the “Posa’t a la nostra pell” category of the Inclús festival, the International Festival of Cinema and Disability, which took place yesterday at the CaixaFòrum.

Ruben Afonso, Anna Baños, Meritxell Crespo, Pep Domenech, Jordi Preñanosa, Josep Serres and Montse Soldevila, collected the award with great emotion for the international recognition obtained for their work. La Pinya, which also includes David Alejo, Montse Soldevila, Jenny Cabanillas, Alex Pérez i Angel Torres, and is directed by Montse Balanyà, audiovisual communicator and educator of the foundation, presented a short fiction film about the stigmas that a person with a mental health disorder during faces during a job interview, despite being fully qualified for the position.

La Pinya is an audiovisual production company promoted by the AMPANS foundation, formed by a group of users of the Occupational Centre service of the entity: They create videos, interviews, reports and fictions to communicate through youtube and social networks both the newsworthy aspects of the foundation itself, as well as the treatment of other issues related to the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. The project has the support of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The jury for the “Posa’t a la nostra pell” category was made up of  first year students of the CFGS in Social Integration at the CES Joan Maragall, who had to choose from among 11 finalists. The public prize went to the Arep Foundation, from the Community Rehabilitation Service.

The Inclús Award is endowed with a statuette and the screening of the short film at the next Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival. During the awards ceremony of the eleventh edition, the documentary ‘La vida de Brianeitor’ (Brianeitor’s life) was screened.

Inclús promotes audiovisual works about functional diversity with the aim of raising awareness of the reality of people with disabilities. It also shares and promotes the use and knowledge of audiovisual accessibility, being a festival that brings cinema closer to audiences that normally do not have the opportunity to enjoy it. The Festival’s Official Selection includes shorts and  films, both fiction and documentaries, as well as audiovisual productions by organisations.

Watch “L’entrevista” here.

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