Ink and wine, a workshop by artist Marta Arañó, offered to 20 users of l’Art de Viure


The project has been promoted by the company Oliva Torras

A group of 20 users of Les Bases Occupational Centre, where AMPANS develops the workshop “L’Art de Viure”, has experienced the discovery of the properties of wine as an instrument for the creation of works of art. The Catalan artist Marta Arañó has been in charge of bringing this innovative technique to the AMPANS art workshop.

The procedure followed does not allow painting with just any wine, but a very pure variety must be used, preferably a single variety that has been in the bottle. The bottles of wine chosen for this workshop were 3Nits d’Urpina (Merlot 100%). For more than fifteen days, the wine was dried in the sun and filtered to achieve the textures and colour intensities necessary to apply it as if it were paint.

The original workshop has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the company Oliva Torras, which has promoted this initiative for the participation of the users of the AMPANS Occupational Centre.

The plasticity of this workshop is spectacular as it works with natural elements such as wine, vine leaves…, which have served as inspiration, by tracing or as a reserve to leave blank spaces, and the magnificent results will be exhibited on 23 September in Urpina, for the grape harvest festival.