Four hundred people took part in the nineteenth edition of Les Jornades

Teambuilding activity at the AMPANS facilities in Comabella (Santpedor).

The AMPANS anual conference hosted different experts in several of the fields covered by Les Jornades.

Les Jornades have reached their nineteenth edition, with a programme deployed during a whole week in which the activities of a formative, recreational and sporting nature are shared by the professionals of all the centres and services of the entity.

For the second consecutive year, Les Jornades have been framed within the plan “Som comunitat. Salut i benestar“. Four hundred professionals have participated in a programme of activities (training, workshops and experiences) of transversal character, which has been specifically dedicated to take care of the health and welfare of the people who work in it, and to establish tools and resources that will be deployed throughout the course around the plan Som comunitat. Health and well-being.

The plan is a proposal for all the staff of the foundation, which encompasses 6 areas of action: physical, emotional, environmental, social, nutritional and financial, which aims to provide value both individually and collectively to all professionals who work, with a stable schedule of activities and training that go beyond the necessary resources that accompany the development of their professional work.

The AMPANS sessions have had experts in several of the areas covered by Les Jornades, from emotional intelligence, environmental, nutritional, with the collaboration of the team of coach Pep Martinex, Aigües de Manresa, 4 Cantonades, Dieteticanutrición and Atemps, among others; and physical activities such as pilates, spinning or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with the collaboration of Cube, among others. All the sessions were held in situ and some were also streamed in order to reach the maximum number of professionals and AMPANS services simultaneously.

The conference closed with a Teambuilding activity between AMPANS teams and the traditional summer dinner at the Comabella bar.

The “Som Comunitat. Salut i benestar” plan, in which the conferences have been framed, will continue to develop the programme of activities planned throughout the new academic year, in all the centres and services of the entity.