Surprise visit from Baxi Manresa to Industry Services

The basketball team was all dressed up for Christmas and gifted scarves and balls to the AMPANS team.


It is already a tradition of these holidays that Baxi Manresa players visit our entity. The players visited the Special Employment Center of the AMPANS foundation, where the workers enthusiastically received the visit of the players who shared time with them and gave them posters, balls and scarves.

All dressed up for Christmas, the players Pierre Orihuela, Dani Pérez, Devin Robinson, Travante Williams, Juampi Vaulet and Martinas Geben have delighted the people who work in the Industry Services section of AMPANS, with whom they have interacted for a good while. Photos, videos, autographs… they have broken the work routine, on well-marked dates and to the rhythm of the Baxi anthem “Som-hi Resa!”.

In addition, Pierre Oriola, center of Baxi Manresa, and Toni Espinal, director of AMPANS, have shared a Christmas message. They have agreed that both, Baxi and AMPANS, never come out as favorites, but with daily effort, they manage to get ahead, enjoy the journey and end up standing out. Baxi’s visit to AMPANS is already a classic of these dates, and over the years they have been visiting several of the entity’s centers and services, so that all users can enjoy this exciting visit by the emblematic Manresa team.

Do you want to see how the visit went? Click here!