Respon.Cat showcased the illustration project of the 17 SDGs made by L’Art de Viure, at the gala of its tenth anniversary

Respon.Cat commissioned L’Art de Viure to design 17 cubes displayed on the stage of the gala with recreations of the icons of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The unique initiative was carried out to commemorate ResponCat’s tenth anniversary, in an event that brought together more than 300 people involved in the commitment to responsible management. Each of the 17 works of art have been sponsored by companies, by acquiring the originals together with a poster of the 17 works to showcase each original as part of a collection.

The works have been created in L’Art de Viure, a project of the Occupational Centre service of the AMPANS foundation, which aims to provide people with the necessary means and/or support to discover and develop their artistic talent, to promote it and to value it. These activities and workshops at the day centre promote autonomy and the capacity for expression and communication, forming a crucial part of its inclusive artistic programmes. L’Art de Viure is a space where diversity is an inspirational and creative value to be promoted.

ResponCat’s 10th Anniversary Gala

The AMPANS inclusive art project was a way of commemorating the tenth anniversary of ResponCat, a company that aims to involve the companies and business organisations most committed to Social Responsibility with the aim of promoting a qualitative and quantitative leap in CSR in Catalonia. This is the most important event in Catalonia in corporate social responsibility after the proclamation of the Manifesto for an Economy with a Purpose, led by with the support of all the main business organisations. The event has the support of the Department of Enterprise and Employment of the Catalan Government and the collaboration of the General Council of Chambers of Catalonia and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.

During the event, the awards were presented, which recognise the track record and good practices in CSR in Catalonia in the areas of volunteering, environmental collaboration, socially responsible territories and timetable reform. This year the personal distinction was awarded to Miquel A. Torres Riera, president of Familia Torres, for his tireless dedication that has transcended the boundaries of the wine sector, becoming a benchmark example for everyone who aspires to a more sustainable and equitable future. Tomàs Molina i Bosch, meteorologist and professor of physics at the UB, presented the award. The other awards were presented by the Catalan Minister for Social Rights, Carles Campuzano y Canadès, the President of the General Council of Chambers of Catalonia and Honorary President of, Josep Santacreu i Bonjoch, and the President of and Head of CSR at Plusfresc, Rafel Oncins y Pujol.