Support services for people and families

Educational, occupational, healthcare, homes and residential services adapted to the people's needs at every stage of their lives. Services to foster and to be fostered. To help and to be helped. Spaces with a broad outlook that supports people and creates community. This concept inspires AMPANS attention models focussed on the full inclusion and the personal autonomy of people with disabilities.

Educational services

Discover our school

We attend students form 3 to 21 years old in our nursery, primary education, adapted secondary education and specialized supports. We promote inclusive activities oriented to the students with special educational needs form our school as well as students from other schools in Bages.

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Customized itineraries

Specific training itineraries and training and insertion programmes for young adults with slight or moderate disbailities. Each training program is specifically designed to fit the educational needs of the person, his abilities and the support needed.

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Special Education Center

CEEPSIR develops support actions as a reference center in the ordinary centers of the Bages and Solsonès regions in the inclusive schooling of students with educational support needs, applying specific programs of direct support to students and teachers.

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Educational services

    Discover our school

    We attend students form 3 to 21 years old in our nursery, primary education, adapted secondary education and specialized supports. We promote inclusive activities oriented to the students with special educational needs form our school as well as students from other schools in Bages.

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    Customized itineraries

    Specific training itineraries and training and insertion programmes for young adults with slight or moderate disbailities. Each training program is specifically designed to fit the educational needs of the person, his abilities and the support needed.

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    Special Education Center

    CEEPSIR develops support actions as a reference center in the ordinary centers of the Bages and Solsonès regions in the inclusive schooling of students with educational support needs, applying specific programs of direct support to students and teachers.

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Orientation, training and employment

Courses and occupational training

Find your course, programme or itinerary. Check our available training offers for the next few months. Customized proposals designed with our orientation and insertion service.

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Professionally qualified training programmes

With our offer of professional courses, you will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for your future employment. We have a wide range of training opportunities for your personal and professional development: courses in gardening, IT, social and health care, administrative services and many others.

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Dual occupational training

The DUAL training (FPO DUAL) is a promotion and socio-educational insertion program aimed at young people aged 16 to 29, with an intellectual disability or at risk of social exclusion. This program combines theoretical and practical learning with work, through a training and learning contract. We train in industry services and gardening services.

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New opportunities model

Our Center for New Opportunities in Central Catalonia offers a new way for you to boost your personal and professional development through advice, courses and training programs, and to find the job that you like. The New Opportunities program is a training and placement service aimed at people aged 16 to 24 who, for various reasons, have not found their place in highschools and who, because of their age, find it difficult to get a job.

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Employment guidance programs

Through our training and job guidance programs, we offer preparation in personal and professional skills to gain access, with guarantees, to the professional world or to a process of preparation for employment. The training and orientation programs offer itineraries that are optimally adapted to the profile, interests and needs of each person.

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Support to find a job

In AMPANS we have created a job placement service for people who need support and assistance in the job search process. Discover our job offers and professional training options that will help you to find your ideal job. This service is aimed at people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, functional diversity, mental illness or people at risk of social exclusion, such as unemployed people or people affected by furloagh.

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SEC - Special Employment Center

Employment opportunities and fair work for people with intellectual, physical, sensory disabilities or mental illness. Adapted and supported work in gardening, catering, cleaning, janitorial, environmental or industrial services, among others.

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Orientation, training and employment

    Courses and occupational training

    Find your course, programme or itinerary. Check our available training offers for the next few months. Customized proposals designed with our orientation and insertion service.

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    Professionally qualified training programmes

    With our offer of professional courses, you will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for your future employment. We have a wide range of training opportunities for your personal and professional development: courses in gardening, IT, social and health care, administrative services and many others.

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    Dual occupational training

    The DUAL training (FPO DUAL) is a promotion and socio-educational insertion program aimed at young people aged 16 to 29, with an intellectual disability or at risk of social exclusion. This program combines theoretical and practical learning with work, through a training and learning contract. We train in industry services and gardening services.

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    New opportunities model

    Our Center for New Opportunities in Central Catalonia offers a new way for you to boost your personal and professional development through advice, courses and training programs, and to find the job that you like. The New Opportunities program is a training and placement service aimed at people aged 16 to 24 who, for various reasons, have not found their place in highschools and who, because of their age, find it difficult to get a job.

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    Employment guidance programs

    Through our training and job guidance programs, we offer preparation in personal and professional skills to gain access, with guarantees, to the professional world or to a process of preparation for employment. The training and orientation programs offer itineraries that are optimally adapted to the profile, interests and needs of each person.

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    Support to find a job

    In AMPANS we have created a job placement service for people who need support and assistance in the job search process. Discover our job offers and professional training options that will help you to find your ideal job. This service is aimed at people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, functional diversity, mental illness or people at risk of social exclusion, such as unemployed people or people affected by furloagh.

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    SEC - Special Employment Center

    Employment opportunities and fair work for people with intellectual, physical, sensory disabilities or mental illness. Adapted and supported work in gardening, catering, cleaning, janitorial, environmental or industrial services, among others.

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Day care servicies

Inclusion and proximity

Occupational centers are day care facilities that offer rehabilitative and enabling care, as an alternative to job placement. The aim is to train people to achieve maximum social integration through active and meaningful employment. Program aimed at older people with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65%.

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Pre-employment service with people mental health disorders

It is a specific social service for people with mental health disorders. The aim is to help the people attended to acquire the necessary skills to increase their level of employability and facilitate their employment. The service foresees a permanence of the user for a maximum duration of 3 years.

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Day care center Julio Payàs

A specialized daytime care service for dependent people who, due to their degree of disability, need continuous support and attention to develop in the basic activities of daily life through programs, activities and dynamic workshops. The Day Center service takes care of the health and rehabilitative aspects of the person served, strengthening their level of personal autonomy, their well-being, and their participation and social inclusion.

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Day care servicies

    Inclusion and proximity

    Occupational centers are day care facilities that offer rehabilitative and enabling care, as an alternative to job placement. The aim is to train people to achieve maximum social integration through active and meaningful employment. Program aimed at older people with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65%.

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    Pre-employment service with people mental health disorders

    It is a specific social service for people with mental health disorders. The aim is to help the people attended to acquire the necessary skills to increase their level of employability and facilitate their employment. The service foresees a permanence of the user for a maximum duration of 3 years.

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    Day care center Julio Payàs

    A specialized daytime care service for dependent people who, due to their degree of disability, need continuous support and attention to develop in the basic activities of daily life through programs, activities and dynamic workshops. The Day Center service takes care of the health and rehabilitative aspects of the person served, strengthening their level of personal autonomy, their well-being, and their participation and social inclusion.

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Serveis d’habitatge

Independent supported living

Home Support Service (IHSS) and housing for people with intellectual disabilities with a high degree of personal autonomy and with specific needs for support in daily activities and routines, both at home and at community level . It is a program through which the person receives timely support and monitoring to guarantee maximum independence at home.

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Homes for kids and teenagers with disabilities

Residential service that welcomes children and teenagers with intellectual and developmental disabilities who have limited or extensive support needs. Children and young people who, for social and family reasons, cannot continue living in their home. We ensure the highest quality of life and personal autonomy, so that the children we welcome can grow up with opportunities and fully included in the community.

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Homes for adults

The home is the most intimate space for people, where we can express ourselves as we are. Housing is a right that is included in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and that defends the right to live independently and to be included in the community. We provide a home with the necessary technical and human support so that the people who live there, with intermittent, limited or extensive support needs, can develop with maximum autonomy and quality of life.

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24 hours attention

AMPANS provides care 24 hours a day to people with intellectual disabilities who need extensive and/or generalized support, and to people with behavioral disorders associated with their disability. In these residential care centers, we develop a personal and social program intended to cover all the needs of the user.

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Serveis d’habitatge

    Independent supported living

    Home Support Service (IHSS) and housing for people with intellectual disabilities with a high degree of personal autonomy and with specific needs for support in daily activities and routines, both at home and at community level . It is a program through which the person receives timely support and monitoring to guarantee maximum independence at home.

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    Homes for kids and teenagers with disabilities

    Residential service that welcomes children and teenagers with intellectual and developmental disabilities who have limited or extensive support needs. Children and young people who, for social and family reasons, cannot continue living in their home. We ensure the highest quality of life and personal autonomy, so that the children we welcome can grow up with opportunities and fully included in the community.

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    Homes for adults

    The home is the most intimate space for people, where we can express ourselves as we are. Housing is a right that is included in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and that defends the right to live independently and to be included in the community. We provide a home with the necessary technical and human support so that the people who live there, with intermittent, limited or extensive support needs, can develop with maximum autonomy and quality of life.

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    24 hours attention

    AMPANS provides care 24 hours a day to people with intellectual disabilities who need extensive and/or generalized support, and to people with behavioral disorders associated with their disability. In these residential care centers, we develop a personal and social program intended to cover all the needs of the user.

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Support for families

“Respirs” program

The Respirs program is aimed at families of people with intellectual disabilities who, for reasons of need or rest, require temporary care for their son or daughter.

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Early morning drop-off

To facilitate the reconciliation of work and family life, we have the early morning reception service at Jeroni de Moragas school. The service runs from Monday to Friday, according to the school calendar, and with a monthly or daily fee. Families who need it can bring their children from 8.45am.

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Mutual aid groups

Small groups formed of parents or other family members, to provide both personal and emotional support (psychological support) to the families of people with disabilities.

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Summer school

At the end of the school year, we start the Summer School, a program of activities that take advantage of the good weather, to facilitate the work-life balance for families.

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Legal capacity support program

We provide support in making decisions that affect the legal capacity of people with intellectual disability, mental illness or cognitive impairment, through an organization promoted by AMPANS.

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Support for families

    “Respirs” program

    The Respirs program is aimed at families of people with intellectual disabilities who, for reasons of need or rest, require temporary care for their son or daughter.

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    Early morning drop-off

    To facilitate the reconciliation of work and family life, we have the early morning reception service at Jeroni de Moragas school. The service runs from Monday to Friday, according to the school calendar, and with a monthly or daily fee. Families who need it can bring their children from 8.45am.

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    Mutual aid groups

    Small groups formed of parents or other family members, to provide both personal and emotional support (psychological support) to the families of people with disabilities.

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    Summer school

    At the end of the school year, we start the Summer School, a program of activities that take advantage of the good weather, to facilitate the work-life balance for families.

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    Legal capacity support program

    We provide support in making decisions that affect the legal capacity of people with intellectual disability, mental illness or cognitive impairment, through an organization promoted by AMPANS.

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Contact AMPANS

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    Collaborate with AMPANS

    Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.