Special Education Center: CEEPSIR

We are Special Education Center and Services and Resources for the Inclusion Provider part of Departament d’Ensenyament. We develop programs and services to support the schooling of students with special educational needs in ordinary schools.

Programs and services to support inclusive school

Jeroni de Moragas School

The Special Education School Jeroni de Moragas was selected by Departament d’Ensenayment to develop programs and services to support the schooling of students with special needs in ordinary schools. As a CEEPSIR center, Centre d'Educació Especial Proveïdor de Serveis i Recursos de suport a la inclusió , develops support actions as a reference center in the ordinary centers of the Bages and Solsonès regions in the inclusive schooling of students with educational support needs, applying specific programs of direct support to students and teachers.

Today's school is tomorrow's society

Our CEEPSIR professionals support teachers and schools for the inclusion and maintenance of students with special educational needs in classrooms

Our objectives

Accesible education model

To design an accessible educational model for all students with SEN: presence, participation and progress. Cognitive accessibility.

Adapted environment

Environment enabling solutions: approach to Universal Design (UD) and Universal Design for Learning (UDA).

Training for professionals

Specific training for the educational community: professionals and families.

Intervention and stimulation

Proposals for intervention in basal and multisensory stimulation.

Collective resources

Share and adapt resources, materials and methodological strategies.

Constant progress

Improvement proposals on mobility, communication, autonomy, participation and progress of students within the educational community.

Support for families

To support families by offering support and guidance to their needs.


Accesible education model

To design an accessible educational model for all students with SEN: presence, participation and progress. Cognitive accessibility.


Adapted environment

Environment enabling solutions: approach to Universal Design (UD) and Universal Design for Learning (UDA).


Training for professionals

Specific training for the educational community: professionals and families.


Intervention and stimulation

Proposals for intervention in basal and multisensory stimulation.


Collective resources

Share and adapt resources, materials and methodological strategies.


Constant progress

Improvement proposals on mobility, communication, autonomy, participation and progress of students within the educational community.


Support for families

To support families by offering support and guidance to their needs.

Focussed on the special education needs of children and young adults

CEEPSIR professional profile

The team is formed of different professionals who take a multidisciplinary approach from different areas of intervention. Always from a perspective of personalized attention focused on the special educational needs of children and young people. The professionals who allow us to take this comprehensive approach are: psychology professionals, physiotherapists, special education teachers, psychopedagogues and speech therapists.

How to access?

Educational centers can access the CEEPSIR service through the reference EAP professional.

“CEEPSIR allows to build a network and work together towards the inclusive school”

Alba Cortina
Director SES Jeroni de Moragas

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    Collaborate with AMPANS

    Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.