Inclusive artistic workshop

Inclusive artistic workshop

L’Art de Viure is an art workshop that is developed as one of the main activities of our Occupational Center service. The main objective of L’Art de Viure is to provide the necessary means and/or support to the people we serve to discover and develop their artistic talent, enhance it, and give it value within society. These activities and day center workshops promote autonomy and the capacity for expression and communication, being a crucial part of our inclusive artistic programs. Each person is different and unique. L’Art de Viure was born to be an opportunity to showcase the abilities of very special artists, where diversity is an inspirational and creative value to be enhanced. L’Art de Viure is heartfelt, it is communication, it is disruptive, it is transparent. It is unique. Discover our creative workshop for people with intellectual disabilities!

Work sessions at the Occupational Center

Individual work sessions

People develop their artistic talents, experiment, learn and express themselves through art. We work by respecting each person's particular style and enhancing it.

Cooperative work sessions

Co-creation of works, visual thinking learning... Art workshops are shared with external groups to the organisation, to showcase the project, exchange knowledge, showcase the skills of individuals, and co-create.

The Artworks

The final artworks produced in the workshop are faithful to the style of each artist, original, and unpublished, with a careful and competent technique. They are considered within the genre of Outsider Art and Singular Art. Get to know their artworks and artistic creations.

Commissioned Artworks

Do you need a logo or an original design for your company? At L'Art de Viure, we create and design posters, labels, logos, packaging... almost all types of artistic commissions. We have already collaborated with organizations, public entities, institutions, companies, and individuals.

Persones mudes II. Ivan Guerrero

Gat Mòmia. Sònia Gonzàlez

En un món nou. Enric Correrdor

De Memòria IV. Manuel Ruiz

El zoològic. Carmen Álvarez

Negre i vermell II. Javi Anotlínez

Sant Martí. Júlia Guilà

Elefant. Nira Sunder.

Picasso. Xavier Pons

Una casa. Dolores Sicília

Zebra. Marta Pérez

Activities and workshops

We promote awareness, transversal knowledge around art, individual expression, and respect for diversity. We bring educational centers, businesses, and entities from society closer to L’Art de Viure and a new way of making art.

Educational workshops

We organize inclusive workshops with regular education centers and social entities. Primary, secondary, high school, and vocational training students, as well as users of other educational projects.

CSR Workshops

We organize workshops for companies that have integrated Corporate Social Responsibility into their organizational culture.


We promote and develop inclusive projects or activities in collaboration with other collectives or entities, for mutual benefit and for the benefit of society.


Educational workshops

We organize inclusive workshops with regular education centers and social entities. Primary, secondary, high school, and vocational training students, as well as users of other educational projects.


CSR Workshops

We organize workshops for companies that have integrated Corporate Social Responsibility into their organizational culture.



We promote and develop inclusive projects or activities in collaboration with other collectives or entities, for mutual benefit and for the benefit of society.

Contact AMPANS

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    Collaborate with AMPANS

    Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.