Gardening and Environmental Ecology service for companies and individuals

Commitment to the environment is, for many companies, one of the axes of corporate social responsibility. This awareness materializes in actions such as the creation of green spaces or the improvement and optimization of maintenance, reducing the footprint and the negative impact on the environment.

Committed to people, the territory and social and environmental sustainability.

A different gardening service

Gardening with environmental conscience

We use methods and products respectful with the environment and people’s health.

Customized projects

Each company has an adapted project. A bespoke gardening and maintenance service.

Comprehensive service and guidance in gardening

Always looking for continuous improvement of the service, advising and anticipating customer needs.

Commitment to environmental protection

Ensuring the correct execution of all tasks and adapting preventive and corrective measures to protect the environment.

Committed to people

We are a Special Employment Center (SEC). We create and maintain employment opportunities for people with functional diversity, migrant people and people at risk of exclusion.


Gardening with environmental conscience

We use methods and products respectful with the environment and people’s health.


Customized projects

Each company has an adapted project. A bespoke gardening and maintenance service.


Comprehensive service and guidance in gardening

Always looking for continuous improvement of the service, advising and anticipating customer needs.


Commitment to environmental protection

Ensuring the correct execution of all tasks and adapting preventive and corrective measures to protect the environment.


Committed to people

We are a Special Employment Center (SEC). We create and maintain employment opportunities for people with functional diversity, migrant people and people at risk of exclusion.

Encouraging socio-labor integration through comprehensive gardening services.

Solutions in gardening and environmental ecology
We provide solutions in gardening and environmental ecology based on quality, efficiency and sustainability, both for companies and public administrations and for individuals.

We promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities and those with support needs. Through our internal training programs, workers gain the specific knowledge needed to carry out all kinds of gardening and forest care tasks. Socio-labor inclusion projects help to strengthen the full autonomy of the people we serve.

Comprehensive gardening sevices

Project design
Comprehensive management and maintenance of green spaces
Assembly and revision of irrigation systems
Reports and tree risk management
Plague control
Technical advise

“We enjoy collaborating with AMPANS because it allows us to interact with kind and resolutive people who find creative solution to our changing needs”

Toni Prada - Head of facilities and services

Contact with Gardening

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    Collaborate with AMPANS

    Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.