Occupational Training

Professional qualification training programs Are you unemployed or in a temporary layoff situation? Do you want to work in a trade but lack the necessary training? Sign up for our 100% subsidised occupational training courses. You will be able to enhance your knowledge and skills, enabling you to access employment. Our theoretical and practical training programs aim to improve your professional qualifications and enhance your employability by achieving and refining your professional competencies.

Wide range of training in professional certificates

Wide range of training in professional certificates

With our professional course offerings, you can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for your future job placement. We have a wide range of training opportunities for your personal and professional development, including courses in gardening, computing, healthcare, administrative services, and many others. Find out more!

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Occupational training model

Official Accreditation

Professional Certificates are the means of official accreditation of professional qualifications in the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications. They are classified into 26 professional families and three levels of qualification.

Training for inclusion

Occupational training is designed to provide the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills necessary to find a job and professionally integrate.

Support and guidance

Training at AMPANS means receiving job guidance and personalized support throughout the training process. We guide and assist in making decisions related to professional and work development.

Editions for people with disabilities

We offer training for adults with intellectual disabilities. Adapted professional certificates.

100% subsidized courses

Training 100% subsidized by the Employment Service of Catalonia, primarily intended for unemployment.


Official Accreditation

Professional Certificates are the means of official accreditation of professional qualifications in the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications. They are classified into 26 professional families and three levels of qualification.


Training for inclusion

Occupational training is designed to provide the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills necessary to find a job and professionally integrate.


Support and guidance

Training at AMPANS means receiving job guidance and personalized support throughout the training process. We guide and assist in making decisions related to professional and work development.


Editions for people with disabilities

We offer training for adults with intellectual disabilities. Adapted professional certificates.


100% subsidized courses

Training 100% subsidized by the Employment Service of Catalonia, primarily intended for unemployment.

This action is promoted and subsidised by the Servicio Público de Ocupación de Catalunya (SOC) with funds received from the Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE) and the Ministerio de Educación, Formación Profesional y Deportes.

Occupational training courses provide basic knowledge for the development of trades, contributing to improving the employment and qualification of workers. They are aimed at young people and adults of working age, with or without disabilities.


Of varying duration and content, these are subsidized and free courses for students.

We offer Level 1 and Level 2 Professional Certificates, as well as complementary training, in various sectors with high demand for staff: healthcare, administrative services, auxiliary activities in agriculture, warehouse activities, cleaning, gardening, and computing.


Our goal is local socio-labor insertion, which is why we cover the employment needs of the territory. In this way, we facilitate job searching and balance the supply and demand of professionals.

Certificates of professionalism

CP-Auxiliary Operations of Administrative and General Services

CP-Auxiliary Activities in Nurseries, Gardens and Gardening Centers

CP-Social Health Care for Dependent Persons in Social Institutions

CP-Warehouse Auxiliary Activities

CP-Warehouse Auxiliary Activities

CP-Agriculture Assistant

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    Collaborate with AMPANS

    Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.