
"Working digitally", course on digital tools - Punto Formativo Incorpora

July, October and November


Centro Formativo Calle Sant Rafael, 4 de Manresa

Course details


Over 16 years old

Employment status

Unemployed people, primarily those who want to start using digital tools.

Type of training

Certificate of the Incorpora programme

Training itinerary

Digital tools

Training model

Theoretical and practical


20 hours

Job placement service

This course is part of our orientation and job placement service.

Educational content and career opportunities


  • Going digital
  • Communication
  • Your partner, the Smartphone
  • Express yourself
  • Join the Social Media

Professional and training opportunities

  • Training and education in the use of digital tools for their application in the workplace.
  • Added value for employability

Incorporates: own degree courses

"Working digitally", digital tools course

Training in digital tools at the Incorpora Training Point is aimed at unemployed people, primarily those who want to start using digital tools. Its objectives, both theoretical and practical, are to integrate, accompany and train people in vulnerable situations in order to be able to enter the world of work. The training in digital tools "Working digitally" prepares the person assisted for the use of digital resources in the workplace.

Incoproa Training Point

Integration and labour intermediation

AMPANS, with the support of the "la Caixa" Foundation, promotes subsidised courses aimed at people at risk or in a situation of social exclusion, who do not have access to post-compulsory education and who, through this programme, receive very specific training for the job they are doing. The Incorpora Training Point seeks to involve the company in the entire training process. All training is based on empowering people and developing transversal skills as a differential element to improve their employability.

Collaborating entities

Course registration

In 3 steps you will be enrolled in the course

    • 1

    • 2

    • 3
