DUAL Training

Are you young and have a certificate of disability? Would you like to train and work in industry or gardening services? DUAL Occupational Vocational Training (FPO DUAL) is a programme of promotion and socio-educational insertion aimed at young people from 16 to 29 years old, with intellectual disabilities or at risk of social exclusion. A programme that combines theoretical and practical learning with work through a training and apprenticeship contract. We train in industrial services and gardening services.

It combines training and employment with a tailor-made programme.

Mixed training: educational center and company

DUAL Training offers you a mixed training model, shared between the educational centre where you are going to be trained and the company where you are going to work. Both institutions are responsible for the learning and training process: the centre provides the theoretical knowledge so that it can be applied at the company, completing the training cycle.
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The DUAL model

For young people

Training aimed at people between 16 and 29 years old, with functional diversity or in vulnerable situations. Preferably, without professional qualifications and registered with SOC.

Double training

The introductory pre-employment training is combined with a Professional Certificate linked to the chosen field. The second training is given during the recruitment phase, combining theory and practice.

Training and apprenticeship contracts

The DUAL Training includes a one-year paid Training and Apprenticeship work contract in two of the AMPANS Special Work Centres: Industry Services or Gardening Services.

Support figure

A dedicated support official follows up on young people, both in the workplace and in training actions.

100% subsidized program

The DUAL Training program is subsidized by the Employment Service of Catalonia and 100% free for participants.


For young people

Training aimed at people between 16 and 29 years old, with functional diversity or in vulnerable situations. Preferably, without professional qualifications and registered with SOC.


Double training

The introductory pre-employment training is combined with a Professional Certificate linked to the chosen field. The second training is given during the recruitment phase, combining theory and practice.


Training and apprenticeship contracts

The DUAL Training includes a one-year paid Training and Apprenticeship work contract in two of the AMPANS Special Work Centres: Industry Services or Gardening Services.


Support figure

A dedicated support official follows up on young people, both in the workplace and in training actions.


100% subsidized program

The DUAL Training program is subsidized by the Employment Service of Catalonia and 100% free for participants.

Paid Dual Training

Training and apprenticeship contracts are the key to this training model. Paid contracts that recover the figure of the apprentice through on-the-job training, which allows for acquiring work habits and putting into practice the knowledge that is being acquired in the workplace.

The courses include theoretical training, through academic contents adapted to the chosen itinerary, but focus on practical learning, as well as on real application in the workplace. This formula allows the young apprentice to gain confidence in the autonomous development of specific tasks, as well as facilitating their future labour insertion process.

It is an adapted and comprehensive DUAL training. It consists of personal and social skills programmes, as well as a Certificate of Professionalism in Auxiliary Warehouse Activities or Auxiliary Gardening Activities.

The people enrolled receive training and an employment contract for one year in a company. In our case, and depending on the chosen itinerary, we insert in the Special Employment Centres (SEC) of Industry Services or Gardening Services. We respond to the demands of the CET, ensuring the maximum insertion ratio.

FPO electricity and electronics

Training for the development of auxiliary operations for the assembly and maintenance of electrical and electronic equipment, in a coordinated way or in a team and under supervision.

Application of techniques and procedures, following quality criteria, complying with the company’s occupational and environmental risk prevention plans and the applicable regulations in force.

Training and Apprenticeship Contract at the Industry Services Centre.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

FP DUAL program resgistration

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    Collaborate with AMPANS

    Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.