Day care services

Adults who are unable to work because of their disability are usually headed to day care services.The aim of this service is to contribute to the quality of life of the users with enriching activities on a personal and social level that promote autonomy and community inclusion.

The Occupational Centre, the Day Centre or the Pre-employment Service are three resources through which adults with mental health disorders or with intellectual diversity do enabling activities and find accompaniment and support for their social and community inclusion.

Individual and personalized treatment, participation in therapeutic and training activities that are relevant to people, socialization, ... are key aspects for autonomy and quality of life.

Day care for people with support needs. All types of day care centers for people with intellectual disabilities and/or with mental health disorders, develop personal and social adjustment activities to promote their capacities and skills, as well as to ensure full social inclusion. Each person is directed to the service that suits their condition and situation better. 


Day care services include occupational center services, the pre-employment service and the day center for people with an intellectual disability or mental illness with a recognized degree of disability greater than 33 percent. These services are designed to assist people with intellectual disabilities who, due to their support needs are unable to work at the present time.

Day care services include occupational center services, the pre-employment service and the day center for people with an intellectual disability or mental illness with a recognized degree of disability greater than 33 percent. These services are designed to assist people with intellectual disabilities who, due to their support needs are unable to work at the present time.

Day care services include occupational center services, the pre-employment service and the day center for people with an intellectual disability or mental illness with a recognized degree of disability greater than 33 percent. These services are designed to assist people with intellectual disabilities who, due to their support needs are unable to work at the present time.

  • 42

    People at the Pre-employment Service

  • 370

    People at the Occupational Center

  • 15

    People at the Day Center


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    Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.