Contact with us

    0/ 500

    Central services

      • Carretera de Manresa a Santpedor, Km 4,4
      • 08251 Santpedor
      • Tel.: 938 272 300
      • Horari: 8:30 a 18:00

    Contact our centers

    Serveis Centrals, Masia
    Carretera de Manresa Km 4,4
    08251 Santpedor
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    Carretera de Manresa a Santpedor, Km 4,4 –
    08251 Santpedor
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    Carretera de Manresa Km 4,4
    08251 Santpedor
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    C/ Barcelona, 21
    08242 Manresa
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    C/ Sant Rafel, 4
    08240 Manresa
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    Ctra. de Vic, 103
    08241 Manresa
    Telèfon: 938 77 19 39

    Av. dels Dolors, 36
    08243 Manresa
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    C/ Bernat de Cabrera, 16
    Manresa 08242
    Telèfon: 930 175 810
    Mòbil: 699 828 511

    C/ Bernat de Cabrera, 10-14
    Manresa 08242
    Telèfon: 930 175 810
    Mòbil: 636 912 647

    C/ Era d’Esquerra, 13
    Manresa 08242
    Telèfon: 938 768 014
    Mòbil: 608 952 616

    C/ Soler i Puigdollers, 15-19
    08259 Sant Vicenç de Castellet
    Telèfon: 938 340 874
    Mòbil: 682 613 317

    C/ Mare de Deu del Pilar 1- 3
    08260 Súria
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    Carretera de Manresa Km 4,4
    08251 Santpedor
    Telèfon: 938232700
    Mòbil: 682 843 724

    C/ Sant Benet, 8
    08272 Sant Fruitós de Bages
    Telèfon: 938 769 535
    Mòbil: 629 111 487

    C/ Migdia, 22
    08250 Sant Joan de Vilatorrada
    Telèfon: 938 071 957
    Mòbil: 680 358 237

    C/ Àngel Guimerà, 23 baixos
    08650 Sallent
    Telèfon: 931 313 323
    Mòbil: 620 911 064

    Mas Urpina, s/n
    08253 Sant Salvador de Guardiola
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    C/ Castelladral, 15-21
    08242 Manresa
    Telèfon: 938 272 300
    Mòbil: 683 123 856

    Carretera de Manresa Km 4,4
    08251 Santpedor
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    Carretera de Manresa Km 4,4
    08251 Santpedor
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    C/ Montlleó, 1-3 (Barri Els Comtals)
    08241 Manresa
    Telèfon: 938 753 967

    Polígon Industrial Els Dolors
    C/ Castelladral, 15-17
    08243 Manresa
    Telèfon: 936 899 969

    Mas Urpina, s/n
    08253 Sant Salvador de Guardiola
    Telèfon: 938 358 746

    Carretera de Manresa Km 4,4,
    08251 Santpedor
    Telèfon: 938 272 882

    Carretera de Manresa Km 4,4
    08251 Santpedor
    Telèfon: 938 272 882 ext. 2

    Carretera de Manresa Km 4,4
    08251 Santpedor
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    Passatge del Canonge Montanyà, 2
    08242 Manresa
    Telèfon: 938 72 56 58

    Polígon  industrial Els Dolors
    C/ Castelladral, 15
    08243 Manresa
    Telèfons: 936 899 969 – 938 272 300

    C/ de Pompeu Fabra, 5
    08240 Manresa
    Telèfon: 938 751 724

    Mas Urpina, s/n
    08253 Sant Salvador de Guardiola
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
    C/ Dr. Joan Soler, 1-3
    08243 Manresa
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    Carrer Bernat Cabrera 10-14, Entresòl
    08242 Manresa
    Telèfon: 938 272 300

    Families Support Services

      0/ 500

      Jeroni de Moragas School

        0/ 500

        Insertion Service

          0/ 500

          AMPANS Activa

            0/ 500

            Esplai Sant Rafel

              0/ 500

              AMPANS Activa Training Center

                0/ 500

                New Opportunities Center

                  0/ 500

                  Pre-employment service

                    0/ 500

                    Occupational Center Les Bases - L’Art de Viure (STO)

                      0/ 500

                      Occupational Center Canonge (STO/SOI)

                        0/ 500

                        Occupational CenterEncaix (STO)

                          0/ 500

                          Occupational Center La Colònia ( STO/SOI)

                            0/ 500

                            Occupational CenterLa Llum ( STO/SOI)

                              0/ 500

                              Occupational CenterLa Sagrera (STO)

                                0/ 500

                                Occupational Center Sant Joan (STO)

                                  0/ 500

                                  Occupational Center Sallent (STO)

                                    0/ 500

                                    Occupational Center Urpina

                                      0/ 500

                                      Insertion Occupational Center Castelladral (SOI)

                                        0/ 500

                                        Specialized Attention Center Julio Payàs

                                          0/ 500

                                          Serveis Centrals, Masia

                                            0/ 500

                                            Care home els Comtals

                                              0/ 500

                                              AMPANS Medi Ambient S.L

                                                0/ 500

                                                Formatges Muntanyola

                                                  0/ 500

                                                  Garden AMPANS

                                                    0/ 500


                                                      0/ 500

                                                      Cleaning services

                                                        0/ 500

                                                        Canonge Restaurant

                                                          0/ 500

                                                          Industry services

                                                            0/ 500

                                                            Caprabo AMPANS Supermarket

                                                              0/ 500

                                                              Urpina wines

                                                                0/ 500


                                                                  0/ 500

                                                                  Fundació Santa Maria de Comabella

                                                                    0/ 500

                                                                    Collaborate with AMPANS

                                                                    Social support has been key to the progress of AMPANS mission. Both in the achievement of projects that improve the life quality of people with intellectual disabilities and in need of support, and in raising awareness in society. We need you by our side to keep pursuing their full inclusion.


                                                                    • Compliance
                                                                    • What is compliance?
                                                                    • Our principles
                                                                    • Code of ethics
                                                                    • Before reporting read the guarantees of the process
                                                                    • People in charge of our compliance channel:


                                                                    We are committed to developing our activity with the highest standards of ethics and integrity, which is why we communicate and share our ethical principles and values, and we ask all people who have a relationship with the organization to act in accordance with them. This is why we provide a channel to report behaviors that go against our values.


                                                                    If you observe any reportable or dubious action that may constitute a violation of laws or rights, that affects areas such as the treatment of people with disabilities, labor and commercial practices, good governance or, in general, bad practice, you can contact

                                                                    What is compliance?

                                                                    Compliance is a mechanism of tools and measures that a company can apply, voluntarily, to prevent violations of laws or rights  that could generate responsibilities for the entity,  and to guarantee compliance with the company’s code of ethics.

                                                                    Compliment normatiu 

                                                                    Our principles

                                                                    AMPANS ethical principles are based on our values and are the pillar on which all people related to the organization are committed when developing their activity.

                                                                    Our principles

                                                                    Code of ethics

                                                                    Our Code of ethics describes the values, principles and commitments that involve everyone in the organization. The document works as a guide of behaviour and ensures the decision making processes in the organization. 

                                                                    Code of ethics

                                                                    Contact with us

                                                                    The compliance channel guarantees the privacy rights of both the reporting person and the people who may be affected in the process

                                                                    Process guarantees

                                                                      0/ 500

                                                                      People in charge

                                                                      Jordi Mir Cisa

                                                                      Manager CV


                                                                      Fina Riera Prat

                                                                      Support CV