Last summer, work began on the residence that AMPANS is building in the Sant Llorenç neighborhood of Terrassa to meet the residential and day care needs of people with intellectual disabilities who require 24-hour support.
The Terrassa project addresses a longstanding demand from families in this municipality of Vallès Occidental, many of whom have to take their children and relatives out of the city. Many of these individuals are currently being cared for by the AMPANS Foundation.
The residence will have a capacity for 60 people and has been designed in cohabitation units of six people, each resembling a home with single rooms and en-suite bathrooms, as well as communal spaces like the dining room and terrace. It will also offer a day care service with a capacity for 30 people. The project features common areas designed to promote socialization, interaction with the environment, and the well-being of the residents.
"Too many families have had to take their relatives out of Terrassa and its surrounding area, forcing them to live elsewhere because there is no place in their city for their sons and daughters, a right to which they are entitled."
Carles Godall
Coordinadora Capaç
"We have taken on the challenge, but we do so driven by the families who have been the true force behind this project."
Lluís Sánchez Seuba
Fundació AMPANS President
The social architecture project is designed according to sustainability and energy efficiency parameters, as well as a social perspective, with a care model focused on the individual, their quality of life, and positive behavioural support. It also integrates technology into the building to enhance the personal autonomy of the people who will live there, in line with the residential projects being carried out by the organisation.
It is estimated that the opening of this residence will create 52 specialised and qualified jobs.
During the symbolic groundbreaking ceremony, the president of AMPANS, Lluís Sánchez, reminded everyone that many people with intellectual disabilities are still waiting for a place to access essential services, which means that many individuals cannot be attended to in their own municipalities. Carles Godall, representing the Capaç families’ coordinator, highlighted that the residence is the result of the perseverance of families who have been advocating for this residential service for years.
We can’t do it alone. Will you help us to make it possible?
From the “Make a donation” section and entering the code 01939
For donations of more than €100, in compliance with law 10/2010, of April 28, on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, in the case of a natural person you must attach a copy of the DNI, residence card or other identification document and for legal entities a copy of NIF or other public document that identifies the entity. And attach it to the registration or send it via email to
You can deduct 80% of the first €250 you contribute, and 40% on any amount above that. Furthermore, if for three consecutive years you have contributed to making full inclusion a reality through your donations to the AMPANS Foundation, and always with the same amount or more, your tax relief on the latter amount will increase to 45%.
As a company, you can deduct 40% of your contribution to the AMPANS Foundation from your corporation tax. If your company’s contribution has been consistent over the last three fiscal years with an amount always equal to or greater than before, you can deduct 50% of the contribution from your corporate tax. The deduction limit will be 10% of the taxable base.
Your contributions allow us to open new homes and support spaces for people with disabilities or vulnerabilities.
Being socially responsible by engaging in full inclusion not only has a positive impact on society but also on the organization itself. The benefits between the company and its stakeholders are mutual.
Companies area:Attracting and retaining the best talent and strengthening the commitment and sense of belonging of teams.
Customers area:Greater capacity to attract and retain customers. Greater credibility and recognition.
Business area:Tax relief and tax credits. Differentiation of competitive companies thanks to your social commitment. Direct and tangible social impact. Brand value, generated by the direct social impact generated as a result of the link with AMPANS.
In addition, these partnerships are part of the companies' commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), published by the UN within the 2030 Agenda. Especially with SDG 3 (health and well-being), SDG 4 (quality education), SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 10 (reducing inequalities) and SDG 17 (partnerships to achieve the goals). Social responsibility linked to full inclusion is not just for big business. SMEs also have a key transformative role in the territory where they operate.
At the beginning of the year, we inform the tax authorities of all the donations we received during the previous year. Additionally, coinciding with the income tax campaign, we send all our collaborators the Tax Certificate that accredits their contribution.