Make a donation
to Homes with No Waiting List project

There is still a long way to go for real inclusion.

In Catalonia, 3800 people need a home by the end of 2025.

Help us build 150 new residential spaces.

Make a donation today

One of the fundamental rights recognised in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is to have access to decent housing, which promotes independent living and community inclusion.

However in Catalonia this reality is far from being fulfilled. Currently, there are more than 3,800 people on the waiting list for access to a specialised residential service. On average, these people wait up to five years to find a place that suits their needs. This situation is unsustainable and affects both people with intellectual disabilities and their families.

In order to respond to this social emergency, AMPANS has started the construction of three new residential centres in Manresa, Terrassa and Balsareny. With these projects, we hope to significantly reduce the waiting list, creating half of the places that the territory currently needs. But to make this a reality, we need you by our side.

Help us build a better future with a donation to the sponsorship programme Homes With No Waiting List.

Alternatively, you can link your contribution to one of the residential projects.

La Parada nova residència AMPANS

60 places for ageing adults

Nova residència AMPANS a Terrassa

60 places for adults with support needs 24h

Projecció de la nova residència Carrilet a Balsareny

30 places for young people with highly complex needs

Among the situations that require the most urgent solutions on the waiting list:

  • Adolescents aged 18 who, due to a lack of available places, remain in child-age residential services and urgently need a residential resource tailored to their needs. These are young adults with multiple disabilities, autism, or other developmental disorders, all of whom have high dependency.


  • Adults with intellectual disabilities who are aging and require more specialized facilities and adapted services to maintain a dignified quality of life, suited to their needs at this stage of life.


  • Families urgently seeking a place to care for their children with severe behavioral and mental health disorders associated with disabilities, resulting in complex situations that the families cannot manage on their own.


"At AMPANS, we will continue focusing our efforts on generating support and opportunities that promote the maximum personal and social development of these individuals." 

Janeta Camps
Residential Services Director,
AMPANS Foundation

"Through residential services and support for independent living, AMPANS offers alternatives and different models that are tailored to the needs of each individual."

Fina Riera
Head of Social Services
AMPANS Foundation

"My son leaving home is key to his personal growth. He will need support, but leaving the nest will empower him and put him on an equal footing with others."

Susana Sudadas
Vladimir's mother
25 year old man with intellectual disabilities

Help us to create safe and welcoming homes so that we can provide opportunities for those who need them most.
Together we shape the future.

From the “Make a donation” section and entering the code 01939

For donations of more than €100, in compliance with law 10/2010, of April 28, on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, in the case of a natural person you must attach a copy of the DNI, residence card or other identification document and for legal entities a copy of NIF or other public document that identifies the entity. And attach it to the registration or send it via email to

Did you know that solidarity is rewarded?

You can deduct 80% of the first €250 you contribute and, from that amount, 40%. In addition, if for 3 consecutive years you have contributed to making full inclusion a reality through your donations to the AMPANS Foundation and always with the same amount, or more, your tax relief in this last bracket will increase to 45%.

As a company you will be able to deduct 40% of the contribution you have made to the AMPANS Foundation from your corporation tax. If your company has made consistent contributions in the past three fiscal years, with an amount always equal to or higher than before you will be able to deduct 50% of your contribution from the Corporate Tax. The deduction limit will be 10% of the taxable base.


What do we invest your money in?

Your contributions allow us to open new homes and support spaces for people with disabilities or vulnerabilities:

  • Creation of 60 residential places in Manresa for ageing adults.
  • Creation of 30 new places for adults with behavioural and mental health disorders associated with disability in Balsareny.
  • Creation of 60 places for adults in Terrassa.
Every euro you entrust to us goes towards real, concrete projects that help transform lives. To honour your commitment we will keep you regularly informed about the progress and results achieved with your support. Our accounts are public, and you can consult them on our website.

What is the impact for my organisation?

Being socially responsible by engaging in full inclusion not only has a positive impact on society but also on the organisation itself. The benefits for both the company and its stakeholders are mutual.

Companies Area:Attracting and retaining the best talent, while strengthening the commitment and sense of belonging within teams.
Customers Area:Greater capacity to attract and retain customers, along with increased credibility and recognition.
Business Area:Tax relief and tax credits. Differentiation from competitive companies through your social commitment. Direct and tangible social impact. Brand value generated by the direct social impact resulting from your partnership with AMPANS.

Additionally, these partnerships align with companies' commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the UN in the 2030 Agenda. In particular, they support SDG 3 (Health and Well-Being), SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 10 (Reducing Inequalities), and SDG 17 (Partnerships to Achieve the Goals). Social responsibility tied to full inclusion is not just for large businesses; SMEs also play a key transformative role in the territories where they operate."

How can I deduct my donation to AMPANS foundation?

At the beginning of the year, we report all the donations we have received during the previous year to the tax authorities. Additionally, in line with the Income Tax campaign, we send all collaborators a Tax Certificate that verifies their contribution.