
AMPANS announces the Research and Innovation Award on Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disorders every two years, which recognizes the work of people, teams and entities to promote knowledge and improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities intellectual and developmental disorders.

It is a pioneer initiative in Spain and one of the few in Europe that promotes research and innovation with the aim of improving the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. Projects can address any aspect related to people with intellectual disabilities and/or developmental disorders.

Research and innovation to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities is a right that we make a reality thanks to the support of committed companies, which help us promote and recognise the work of professionals in this field.

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Award rules

With this call, the AMPANS Foundation aims to promote knowledge and encourage innovative experiences aimed at improving the quality of life of people with Intellectual Disabilities and Developmental Disorders within the economic and cultural environment of the foundation.

Download the bases

Ends on November 2, 2025

      Author 2

      Author 3 (opcional)

      Author 4 (opcional)

      Author 5 (opcional)

      Requests to be admitted as a participant in the INVESTIGATION AND INNOVATION AWARD ON INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS, so he accompanies all the documentation required in the basis of the award, accepting these in their entirety.

        Requests to be admitted as a participant in the INVESTIGATION AND INNOVATION AWARD ON INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS, so he accompanies all the documentation required in the basis of the award, accepting these in their entirety.

        The shapes remind us of the repercussions that even the smallest actions can have, much like when you throw a stone into water and the ripples created grow and reach far away.

        Carlos López
        L'Art de Viure

        Collection of works awarded in the last edition

        Research Category

        First prize

        "Biomarker-based pain assessment in adults with cerebral palsy without cognitive-voluntary communication"
        Álvaro Sabater Gárriz, Inmaculada Riquelme Agulló and Pedro Montoya Jimenez
        The work addresses in a multidimensional way the analysis of various biomarkers identified in the scientific literature (salivary metabolites, melatonin secretion, others) through a wide deployment of resources and diagnostic tests where the methodological and statistical rigour stands out. The results of this research pave the way towards the development of pain measurement tools based on facial recognition through the application of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques that would reduce the subjectivity of human assessments and could replace the use of complex observational tools.

        Second prize

        "Falls in people with intellectual disabilities: from the objectification of specific risk factors to the design and validation of an assessment instrument"
        Noemí Alba Dobaño Garcia
        Rigorous analysis of variables potentially causing falls in people with intellectual disabilities, a specificity that has been little studied in the scientific literature and which leads to the formulation of a predictive mathematical algorithm, the result of factor analysis, which, at the cost of future research, already shows a high and important predictive power in the incidence of future falls. The results of the research, according to this jury, are particularly useful in the processes of admission to services for people with disabilities and in outpatient care and follow-up.

        Third prize

        "Protective factors and follow-up of very low birth weight preterm infants: link between neuropsychological exercise with nutritional status and mental development index in the first months of life"
        M. E. Carrasco-Solís, S. Amaoui, A. Campos-Martínez, A. Ruiz-López, A. Nieto-Ruiz, C. Laynez-Rubio, J. Uberos-Fernández.
        Large sample studied and longitudinal analysis based on previous research. The work addresses the analysis of nutritional variables in the first weeks of life and the possible impact on subtle neuropsychological areas assessed with the Weschler WISC-V scales at school age. The research is supported by an adequate methodological discipline and analysis of the results, the latter indicating the need to review the nutritional protocols and to study in depth the predictive value of the developmental scales with respect to future academic performance at school age.

        Innovation Category

        First prize

        Declared void on the grounds that the works presented did not in any case guarantee a sufficient level of implementation

        Second prize

        "Ansio-diverse project: Intervention to reduce social anxiety in people with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual development, through the use of modified cognitive behavioural therapy in an immersive virtual reality space"
        Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Girona Dr. Josep Trueta (IDIBGI)
        It proposes the application of new technologies (virtual reality) in the treatment/therapy of people with disabilities, paving the way for future developments. Despite the small size of the sample, the work presented provides an adequate treatment and analysis of the results obtained, and as a whole is an experience with significant possibilities for replication.

        Third prize

        "APP Compartimos"
        Albert Puig Tobella
        Development of an App as a support tool to facilitate the transition to adult life for people with intellectual disabilities, focusing on their self-determination skills. This innovative experience exemplifies the new technological possibilities linked to mobile devices.

        Images form the award's last edition ceremony

        In the last edition, the tenth, the event revolved around a talk/action by Quim Moya, artist and speaker. Moya spoke about art as a tool for raising awareness and empowerment, helping to highlight how research and knowledge transcend and have a direct impact on people’s quality of life.

        Quim Moya, was joined on stage by Noèlia Bernal, Oriol Rojo and Nira Sunder, three artists from L’Art de Viure, a project with its own personality that we promote at the occupational centre, led a visual experience with the participation of the audience. The artists painted four artworks that, once together, formed part of the same painting, causing visual surprise among the audience. After this visual and experiential entry, AMPANS proceeded to the awards ceremony.


        Members of the jury

        Lluís Sánchez


        CEO of Muntatges Elèctrics del Bages, SL (MEBSA).

        President of Fundació AMPANS.

        Dr. Aurea Autet


        Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona, specialist in General Psychiatry and specialist in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

        She has been Head of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service at the Althaia Foundation since 2008 and has been Director of Mental Health at Althaia since 2021.

        Amador Beiro


        Technician responsible for research at the Department of Work, Social Affairs and Families of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

        Graduate in Research and Market Techniques from the University of Barcelona. Degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

        Alba Cortina


        Jeroni de Moragas School Director.

        AMPANS Board of Directors member.

        Member of the Catalan School Council.

        Head of Special Education Schools at Dincat.

        José Carlos Eiriz


        Graduate in economics, diploma in business sciences and commercial expert.

        Graduate in teaching science and special education by the University of Barcelona.

        General Manager of the Santa Teresa del Vendrell Foundation, the Ginac Foundation, the Onada Foundation and the Insertion Company of the Tarragona region.

        President of Dincat.

        Dr. Climent Giné


        Doctor in Psychology and Emeritus Professor of the Faculty of Psychology, Education Sciences and Sport Blanquerna of the Ramon Llull University. Professor of the FPCEE of the URL since 1995; and dean from 2004 to 2013.

        Principal researcher of the Research Group "Disability and Quality of Life: Educational Aspects".

        Toni Llobet


        UAB graduate in Catalan Philology.

        He has a long career in the field of educational management: he was General Director of Public Schools, Secretary of educational policies of the Department of Education and territorial delegate of the Territorial Delegation of Education in Barcelona City. He was also Councillor for Education and Universities and spokesman for the Manresa City Council government.

        Nowadays he is the FUB General Manager.

        Cori Rodríguez

        General Manager of Villablanca Servicios asistenciales.

        Member of the board of Coordinadora de Centres per a Persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual de Catalunya.

        Pere Rueda


        Promoter of the Research and Innovation Award on people with intellectual disabilities. With extensive experience in the world of disability, he was responsible for the Sectoral Program Area for Persons with Disabilities of the Department of Social Welfare of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

        He has been vice-president of AEECRM and professor of the "Early Care Master's Degree" in Blanquerna and the "Master's Degree in Intellectual Disability" at the Catholic University of Valencia".

        Paula Varas


        Psychologist specialising in intellectual and developmental disabilities.

        European Association of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability member.

        Interamerican Association of Psychology member.

        Founder and director of La Ginestra Centre, mental health support for PcDID and families.

        Jordi Mir


        AMPANS Quality Director.

        AMPANS Board of Directors member.

        IX Edition (2021-2022)
        1st Prize
        Programa TEAm_YOUNG ADULTS. Promoviendo la autodeterminación de jóvenes adultos con trastorno del espectro autista.
        Clara Andrés Gárriz, Cristina Mumbardó Adam, Núria Farriols Hernando, Antoni Maria Gomez Hinojosa y Teresa Pretel Luque.

        2nd Prize
        Personas con discapacidad intelectual en prisión.
        Leticia Muñoz García-Largo

        3rd Prize
        Té una incidència real l’activitat formativa en relació als coneixements i actituds sexuals i afectives de persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual?
        Jordi Fernandez Suriñach
        1st Prize
        ESSENS:Tecnología wearable vibroestimulatoria frente a comportamientos estereotipados en personas con autismo y discapacidad intelectual.
        Cristina Santamarina Siurana, Vicente Cloquell Ballester, Cooperativa Valenciana Koynos.

        2nd Prize
        El intraemprendimiento como estrategia de mejoramiento de la calidad de vida y el desarrollo sostenible.
        Crear Unidos

        3rd Prize
        La gamificación como herramienta para la mejora del engagement, clima laboral y calidad de los servicios de prestación de apoyos para personas con discapacidad intelectual.
        Fernando Sánchez Rodríguez
        VIII Edition (2019-2020)
        1st Prize
        Autodeterminación en jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual: las oportunidades como motor de desarrollo.
        Cristina Mumbardó, Climent Giné, Joan Guàrdia (Barcelona)

        2nd Prize
        Necesidades, barreras y apoyos necesarios para trabajar el duelo con personas con discapacidad intelectual: la opinión de los profesionales.
        Vanesa Arija Domínguez, Patricia Navas (Palencia)

        3rd Prize
        Mejoras necesarias en la atención sanitaria de las personas con discapacidad intelectual que envejecen: la opinión de familiares y profesionales.
        Sandra Llorente Gil, Patricia Navas (Cáceres)
        1st Prize
        L'atenció plena com a camí del benestar emocional.
        Mercè Morillas Expósito, CEE L'Estel-Can Bori (Hospitalet)

        2nd Prize
        Programa de autonomía personal para el manejo del sistema monetario en personas con Síndrome X frágil.
        Anna Minguella Gonzalez, Asociación Catalana Síndrome x Frágil (Barcelona)

        3rd Prize
        Nuevos paradigmas, administración pública y discapacidad.
        José Manuel Portalo, Mercè García (Palma de Mallorca)
        VII Edition (2017-2018)
        1st Prize
        Proyecto de Investigación: Evaluación de un gestor de correo adaptado para las persones con discapacidad intelectual.
        Fundación Prodis (Madrid)

        2nd Prize
        Hacia una mayor Calidad de vida de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual y autismo: Prioridades para la intervención y variables relevantes.
        Maria Lucia Moran

        3rd Prize
        Diagnóstico Genético en Discapacidad Intelectual: accionabilidad de la Genética en la atención a Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual.
        Fundació Catalonia
        1st Prize
        Una sola misión, un trabajo compartido: mejora de la calidad de vida.
        Oscar Herrero

        2nd Prize
        Caminando hacia la plena inclusión.
        Maria Bibiana Miranda

        3rd Prize
        El conocimiento de las mujeres con discapacidad intelectual sobre violencia de género.
        Miriam Blanco
        VI Edition (2015-2016)
        1st Prize
        La història d'un infant amb autisme. Interroguem l'experiència: implicacions per a la millora de l'escola inclusiva.
        Jesús Soldevila Pérez

        2nd Prize
        Estudio de la comunicación del diagnóstico de síndrome de Down de los profesionales sanitarios.
        Teresa Vargas Aldecoa

        3rd Prize
        El preparador laboral: análisis del perfil de competencias y necesidades para el diseño de un programa formativo.
        Francisco de Borja Jordán de Urríes Vega
        1st Prize
        Amadip Esment Fundación

        2nd Prize
        Soluciones, dispositivos, herramientas y metodologías innovadoras adaptadas a las personas con discapacidad que envejecen en entornos sociolaborales.
        José Maria Franco

        3rd Prize
        Realización de actividades educativas en mesas multicontacto y actividades colaborativas para personas con discapacidad cognitiva y TEA.
        David Roldán Álvarez de Alcorcón
        V Edition (2013-2014)
        1st Prize
        Evaluación de la calidad de vida de personas con discapacidad intelectual: conclusiones e implicaciones para las prácticas profesionales.
        Laura Elísabet Gómez Sánchez

        2nd Prize
        Y si me muero ¿dónde está mi futuro? Una investigación sobre cómo tratar el tema de la muerte en la educación de personas con discapacidad intel·lectual.
        Pablo Rodríguez Herrero

        3rd Prize
        Modelo de intervención en conductas problemáticas: los antecedentes y predictores.
        David Simó Pinatella
        1st Prize
        Junts sumem
        Ferran Crespo Anglada

        2nd Prize
        Afrontando procesos de cambio en la Fundación obra San Martín.
        Sonia Fernández Ezquerra

        3rd Prize
        Hacia un modelo de apoyos globales de salud comunitària.
        Juan Antonio Recio Mompo
        IV Edition (2011-2012)
        1st Prize
        Evaluación de las necesidades de apoyo en niños y adolescentes con discapacidad intelectual. Estudio preliminar.
        Verónica Guillén Martín

        2nd Prize
        Suport, relació professional i qualitat de vida familiar.
        Anna Balcells Balcells

        3rd Prize
        Modelo de participación para personas con discapacidad intelectual en APADIS.
        Sara Cortés Antón
        1st Prize
        Memoria del proyecto de eliminación de barreras cognitivas para un ayuntamiento.
        Ma. Teresa Rodríguez Carretero

        2nd Prize
        El Centro de Educación Especial como centro de recursos para la inclusión.
        Ma. Teresa Rodríguez Carretero

        3rd Prize
        Mejora de los hábitos alimentarios en alumnos con discapacidad intel·lectual.
        José Antonio Mirón Canelo
        III Edition (2009-2010)
        1st Prize
        Els processos d'acomodació en les rutines diàries de les famílies amb un fill amb problemes en el desenvolupament.
        Joana Maria Mas Mestre

        2nd Prize
        Influencia de la protección social y el sistema de pensiones en la actividad y el acceso al empleo de las personas con discapacidad.
        Borja Jordan de Urries Vega

        3rd Prize
        Conducta adaptativa y personas con discapacidad intelectual: estudio preliminar para la elaboración de un instrumento de diagnostico.
        Miguel Angel Verdugo Alonso
        1st Prize
        Promoción de la autodeterminación en un entorno de vivienda.
        Berta González Antón

        2nd Prize
        Aplicaciones web accesibles para personas con necesidades especiales.
        Fundació “El Maresme”

        3rd Prize
        Autodeterminación, inclusión social y solidaridad. Un proyecto de cooperación internacional gestionado por personas con discapacidad intel·lectual.
        Néstor Valverde Merlo i Asprodes
        II Edition (2007-2008)
        1st Prize
        El amor en personas con discapacidad intelectual y su repercusión en el bienestar emocional.
        Raquel Morentín Gutiérrez, Benito Arias Martínez, José Manuel Rodríguez Mayoral, Miguel Angel Verdugo Alonso.

        2nd Prizeo
        Estudio comparativo del Empleo con Apoyo en Europa.
        Borja Jordan de Urries Vega, Stephen Beyer, Miguel Angel Verdugo.

        3rd Prize
        1st Prize
        La inclusión de personas con discapacidad intelectual en centros de educación permanente de adultos.
        David López Blanco Julia Noriega, Ana García, Lola Cava, Laura Morán, Miguel A. Rivas Pilar Quintana.

        2nd Prize
        Apoyo en el proceso de duelo de personas con discapacidad intelectual.
        María Nerea Ruiz Simón.

        3rd Prize
        Actividades alternativas para la integración de personas con necesidades de apoyo generalizado.
        Patricia López García.
        I Edition (2006)
        1st Prize
        El mundo emocional de las personas con retraso mental.
        Belén Gutiérrez Bermejo

        2nd Prize
        Centre Ocupacional per a Persones amb Discapacitat Intel·lectual
        Oriol Guim Marzo

        3rd Prize
        CANDIS’s: una nueva aportación. Un nuevo reto en la detección de las necesidades de las personas con Discapacidad Intelectual. Validación de un nuevo instrumento de “screening”. Punto de partida para la mejora de las intervenciones.
        SESM-DI Parc Hospitalari Martí i Julià. IAS Girona.


        The sponsors support is essential for the success and continuity of the Research and Innovation Award on Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disorders. Thanks to their generosity and commitment, we are able to recognise and celebrate outstanding advances in the field of research and development. Your contribution is not only financial, but also an invaluable support to foster the constant spirit of achievement that is essential to drive significant advances for our society. Thank you for being an essential part of this journey towards a better future for people.